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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 08, 2011 <br /> Page 3 <br /> travels looking for high school bands to participate in the Rose Parade; and the in- <br /> terest from many of those groups in returning again and again based on their <br /> comments about the inviting and personal atmosphere they fine in Roseville; as <br /> well as their families and friends who travel along with the groups and are also <br /> exposed to Roseville and bringing in additional revenue to the City. <br /> Barb Obeda,2910 N Asbury (BUDGET COMMENTS) <br /> While thanking her and recognizing how heartfelt Ms. Hansen's comments were, <br /> Mayor Roe respectfully asked that further comments, including those of Ms. Ob- <br /> eda,be held until the time in the meeting slated for that discussion. <br /> 4. Council Communications,Reports and Announcements <br /> Mayor Roe noted that the City continued to seek applicants for the City's Housing and <br /> Redevelopment Authority (HRA); briefly outlined their function; and reviewed how to <br /> obtain applications prior to the deadline for those applications on Friday, August 12, <br /> 2011 at 4:30 p.m. <br /> Mayor Roe announced ongoing organizing group meetings of the "Beyond the Yellow <br /> Ribbon" in the northern suburb area, with those meetings scheduled for August 18, and <br /> September 15, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the Roseville City Hall; and encouraged citizens to <br /> get involved. <br /> Councilmember McGehee suggested that residents review their homeowner insurance <br /> coverage related to recent substantial rainfalls and flood insurance. <br /> Mayor Roe announced the upcoming Open House for Public C-TV, Channel 15, sche- <br /> duled for August 20, 2011; and the opportunity to tour their new facilities on Arthur <br /> Street, the same location where the temporary Ramsey County-Roseville Library was lo- <br /> cated during their recent remodeling and construction project. <br /> City Manager Malinen announced that, given the large number in attendance at tonight's <br /> meeting, staff was bringing in additional chairs to the Council Chambers; and advised <br /> that the lobby monitors had been activated to facilitate those outside the Chambers. <br /> 5. Recognitions, Donations, Communications <br /> a. Proclamation of Golden K Kiwanis Peanut Day <br /> Mayor Roe invited Kiwanis representatives to the front prior to his reading of the <br /> annual Golden K Kiwanis Peanut Day Proclamation. <br /> John Sweeney, President of the North Suburban Golden K Kiwanis Club intro- <br /> duced himself as well as other Club members in the audience. Mr. Sweeney ad- <br /> dressed the perceptions of the "aging of Roseville," and provided a background of <br /> the ninety (90) retirees serving with the Club averaging 80 years old and spanning <br />