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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 08,2011 <br /> Page 22 <br /> Ms. Bloom responded that a number of safety issues had been brought forward <br /> from this most recent study, and that staff was attempting to address them. Ms. <br /> Bloom advised that, regardless of the City Council's decision on County Road C- <br /> 2, those sight line issues would be reviewed. Ms. Bloom noted that some would <br /> be simple, such as clearing trees, or considering a right turn lane; while others <br /> may be more complex, such as grading of the hill looking north at County Rood <br /> C-2 and Lexington. Ms. Bloom advised that staff would determine if there was <br /> something physical that could be done before considering a signal, in an effort to <br /> be cost-effective. In considering whether the situation could be resolved by in- <br /> stalling a signal, Ms. Bloom responded affirmatively; however, she cautioned that <br /> she didn't think the county would support a stop sign at that location. <br /> Councilmember Johnson questioned the existence of an agreement with Lexing- <br /> ton Apartments and contingencies that County Road C-2 couldn't be opened up. <br /> Ms. Bloom advised that, upon hearing this statement brought forward at a pre- <br /> vious meeting when the Pulte application had first come forward, she had perso- <br /> nally researched such a document;, as well as wanting to ensure that all past City <br /> Council actions were in staff's, the public's and current City Council's posses- <br /> sion. Ms. Bloom advised that her research had found nothing in writing or in the <br /> meeting minute records of any such document or contingency with Lexington <br /> Apartments to keep County Road C-2 closed. Ms. Bloom noted the existence of a <br /> 1988 memorandum when Lexington Apartments was first proposed, that County <br /> Road C-2 was intended for construction; however, based on significant opposition <br /> at that time, the plan was changed accordingly, and a subsequent failed action at a <br /> City Council meeting to vacate County Road C-2 on a 3/2 vote. <br /> Mayor Roe questioned liability concerns related to road configuration and stan- <br /> dard 30 mph construction; and the City's exposure to such liability. <br /> City Attorney Mark Gaughan advised that City Attorney Caroline Beckman-Bell <br /> had previously submitted via e-mail to the City Council an actual opinion on how <br /> discretionary immunity may be invoked in this type of hypothetical situation; and <br /> the opinion that there would be no City liability for any accidents that may result <br /> from opening this area. <br /> Mayor Roe sought clarification of liability even if a road was not built up to cer- <br /> tain standards. <br /> City Attorney Gaughan advised that it was at the discretion of the City Council <br /> where to build roads; and that the City's intent was not to intentionally hurt <br /> people. <br /> Related to assessment questions and fairness to property owners, Ms. Bloom ad- <br /> vised that the City Council had changed their Assessment Policy in 1991. Prior to <br />