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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 08,2011 <br /> Page 27 <br /> summarizing his memorandum to the City Council distributed today; followed by <br /> a Q and A period between the City Council and staff. <br /> A Memorandum via e-mail dated August 4, 2011 from City Manager Bill Mali- <br /> nen related to Market Value Homestead Credit (MVHC) and proposed 2012 <br /> budget reduction adjustments in accordance was provided as a bench handout, at- <br /> tached hereto and made a part hereof. <br /> City Manager Malinen addressed a new change in state law as a result of the Spe- <br /> cial Session of the Legislature and budget-balancing programs, basically through <br /> elimination of the Market Value Homestead Credit (MVHC) program as detailed <br /> in the memorandum. Mr. Malinen advised that this would provide additional <br /> funds to the City and not part of the budget programming to-date; allowing for <br /> identification of some options for the City Council to consider for those extra <br /> funds, that could potentially reduce the proposed tax increase from the City Man- <br /> ager-recommended budget to approximately 1.8%, allowing the City to restore <br /> some of the proposed FTE staff reductions and other programs proposed for re- <br /> duction or elimination. <br /> Councilmember Willmus questioned how this one-time adjustment would impact <br /> the City going forward in future budget years; and if future legislative action <br /> could put the City in the same situation if it were to become dependent on those <br /> budget dollars annually. <br /> City Manager Malinen advised that it would become the new baseline going for- <br /> ward as part of the City's levy, avoiding the need for the City Council to make the <br /> previously-recommended adjustments and providing incremental costs in the fu- <br /> ture. Mr. Malinen opined that he didn't think the City would be in a similar si- <br /> tuate, as he didn't anticipate levy limits being renewed, and with the most recent <br /> formulaic changes in MVHC and dramatic changes in Local Government Aid <br /> (LGA), of which the City is not a recipient and therefore not dependent upon, he <br /> didn't anticipate future impacts to the City. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that one option would be to reduce the levy by that amount <br /> going forward and continue with the currently recommended cuts, thereby reduc- <br /> ing the levy by approximately $475,000, thus not making the City dependent on <br /> those funds going forward. <br /> City Manager Malinen noted that the City of Roseville was not subject to any <br /> reimbursement any longer, taking that risk out of the equation. City Manager Ma- <br /> linen opined that reducing the levy was one option. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that having just received the memorandum, it <br /> provided some good options for the City; however, she wasn't confident that it <br /> couldn't be taken away as easily as it was given. Councilmember McGehee <br /> opined that the City was in unchartered water federally and state-wide; and when <br />