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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 08, 2011 <br /> Page 28 <br /> looking at budget materials provided to-date, this recommendation from City <br /> Manager Malinen seemed similar to that proposed during the 10%reduction exer- <br /> cise, with the same programs and services being targeted, those that are the most <br /> meaningful to this community. <br /> Out of courtesy to the public, Mayor Roe halted Council discussion at this time to <br /> allow time for public comment on this issue, at which time additional Council <br /> discussion could be pursued. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, City Manager Malinen made additional copies of <br /> the referenced memorandum available for members of the public in attendance. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Barb Obeda, 2910 N Asbury <br /> As a 47-year resident of Roseville, Ms. Obeda took a moment to talk about volun- <br /> teerism in Roseville; opining that the community had the greatest bunch of volun- <br /> teers of any community of which she was aware. Ms. Obeda provided anecdotal <br /> examples, specifically those efforts of her husband Ed, who over the last three (3) <br /> years had biked throughout the community picking up garbage, putting well over <br /> 1,000 hours and having been awarded a Presidential Commendation for Volun- <br /> teerism. <br /> Related to the budget, Ms. Obeda expressed her concern about budget cuts pro- <br /> posed by City Manager Malinen, since a lot of those recommendations had direct <br /> and/or indirect impacts on her volunteer work for the City. Ms. Obeda expressed <br /> concern about the possibility, as reported in a recent Roseville Review article, on <br /> that recommendation potentially cutting one full-time employee in the Parks and <br /> Recreation Department, specifically a position assigned to coordinate the City's <br /> recreation programs, including discontinuation of the City's spring and summer <br /> entertainment and annual parade. While the employee had not been identified, <br /> Ms. Obeda opined that all of the City's employees went above and beyond their <br /> call of duty; and provided helpful, smiling customer service; as well as providing <br /> recognition and a sense of appreciation to volunteers throughout the City. Ms. <br /> Obeda opined that she would hate to see the City loose such a person, as well as <br /> hating even more loosing the identified programs, as many are designed for fami- <br /> lies. <br /> Ms. Obeda respectfully asked that the City Council stop and think about what it <br /> could do the community to get rid of these programs, opining that there would no <br /> longer be a sense of community if those things were taken away. Ms. Obeda <br /> opined that she wouldn't move to Roseville under those circumstances; and that <br /> there were already a lot of homes in Roseville that were for sale, and while young <br /> families may consider moving to Roseville, once they find out that such programs <br /> and events were being eliminated, they would no longer consider Roseville as a <br /> potential home. <br />