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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
9/7/2011 10:09:38 AM
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9/7/2011 10:09:25 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 08,2011 <br /> Page 32 <br /> Mr. Kysylyczyn expressed his perceptions from observing a previous Council <br /> meeting and the request of Councilmember Pust to receive additional budget de- <br /> tails, and Finance Director Miller or City Manager Malinen's comments that that <br /> level of detail did not exist. Mr. Kysylyczyn opined that the City Manager- <br /> recommended budget cuts were similar to those scare tactics used by school dis- <br /> tricts; and that was his take on the staff memorandum dated August 8, 2011, and <br /> included as part of tonight's agenda packet materials. Mr. Kysylyczyn opined <br /> that he found the documents (Attachments A and B) to be personally insulting, <br /> with over half of the numbers blank, and providing no detail as to what any of the <br /> items were for, except in the broadest sense. Mr. Kysylyczyn further opined that <br /> this was worthless data, while staff provided a detailed list of their recommended <br /> cuts, again signifying a scare tactic prompting public testimony of the programs <br /> and services they don't want cut; and causing the City Council to try to determine <br /> which expenditure was most important. Mr. Kysylyczyn noted that the only items <br /> listed in detail were those staff recommended cutting, with not detail provided on <br /> those recommended to continue; and expressed frustration that this was the level <br /> of information provided to the public. <br /> Mr. Kysylyczyn advised that he was distributing budget information that had been <br /> presented to the public in 2002 for the 2003 budget, specific to the Police De- <br /> partment, when he was Mayor of Roseville; with that information providing the <br /> level of detail being requested by Councilmember Pust, as well as data from pre- <br /> vious years for comparison purposes. Mr. Kysylyczyn also provided an even <br /> more helpful document, a budget worksheet for 2004, again specific to the Police <br /> Department, providing actual fund numbers, similar or the same as those used to- <br /> day. Mr. Kysylyczyn advised that this his bench handout was only ten (10) of the <br /> forty (40) pages specific to the Police Department, but addressing the various cat- <br /> egories, and previously provided during his tenure as Mayor to the City Council <br /> and the public to allow them to make determinations of where the money was <br /> going. <br /> Mr. Kysylyczyn opined that, if the information existed in 2003, he thought the in- <br /> formation should be in existence today; and he subsequently visited the City's <br /> Finance Department, and had found the information as her presented. Mr. Kysy- <br /> lyczyn provided bench handouts consisting of budget details for 2008, 2009, and <br /> 2010 in the three page handout; and a more substantial handout that included a <br /> general version of the entire City budget identifying where all the money is going. <br /> If this information as available to the public in 2002 and 2003, Mr. Kysylyczyn <br /> questioned why is was not being used today and provided to the public; providing <br /> for a more informed discussion and examples of where money was being spent. <br />
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