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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 08, 2011 <br /> Page 34 <br /> Mayor Roe suggested that changes not be implemented in the middle of this <br /> cycle, but that lessons continue to be learned as the process proceeded. <br /> Councilmember Pust reiterated her question on how Mayor Roe would like to see <br /> individual Councilmembers ask their questions; if he wanted them addressed be- <br /> fore through e-mail with Mr. Miller, or brought forward at the next meeting. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that it would be more efficient to bring any questions to staff <br /> before the next meeting; and further opined that the level of information provided <br /> in the most recent General Ledger report from staff added up to previous informa- <br /> tion in the packet. If individual Councilmember felt additional information <br /> beyond that was necessary, he asked that they request that information and if the <br /> City Council majority felt it was necessary, that request could be made of staff. <br /> Moving forward, Mayor Roe suggested that this information would allow the City <br /> Council to see where differences occurred from year to year and in which catego- <br /> ry, and any apparent causes of that difference. Mayor Roe opined that this <br /> process had allowed the most transparent budget process to-date, and the problem <br /> was in comparing that data from year to year, as it had not been organized in this <br /> priority ranking in past years. Mayor Roe clarified that staff was not saying the <br /> information was not available, but that it was not organized in this specific format <br /> in past years to this current budget process; and not done by these particular broad <br /> program categories. <br /> Finance Director Chris Miller advised that, while not being privy at this time to <br /> the actual information provided by Mr. Kysylyczyn to the City Council, he again <br /> reviewed how expenditures are tracked differently than that used for the program- <br /> based budgeting approach. Mr. Miller advised that over 150 programs had been <br /> evaluated over the past six (6) months; and while it was accurate to say that in- <br /> formation for past years on a program by program basis was not available since <br /> costs were not tracked accordingly, he wasn't sure of what value that information <br /> would serve for the City Council. If the information distributed by Mr. Kysylyc- <br /> zyn was that cost information, Mr. Miller advised that they would not tell Coun- <br /> cilmembers —or the public—program information as it was not how staff tracked <br /> that information for budget purposes; which the City Council had concurred with <br /> up to this point. Mr. Miller opined that the better way to equate how resources <br /> were allocated for programs was in the City Council's priority rankings; which <br /> was different than provided for in past budget cycles. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred, noting that the differences were in prioritization budgeting <br /> melding with recommendations coming forward. <br /> Councilmember Willmus, in addressing the level of detail and whether it was <br /> adequate, referenced an example for the "Recreation Program Coordinator" posi- <br /> tion and his interest in determining how much revenue that position generated for <br /> the City. <br />