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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 08,2011 <br /> Page 7 <br /> allowed to speak, no matter what they had to say; however, in the interest of time, <br /> Y� , <br /> he noted that the City Council Rules limited speakers to no more than five (5) mi- <br /> nutes per speaker to allow everyone to be heard. Mayor Roe noted the suggestion <br /> of Councilmember Pust at a previous meeting that speaker representatives for <br /> larger groups be chosen to address the City Council to avoid repetition and to fa- <br /> cilitate timely comments. Mayor Roe advised that, for those representing a larger <br /> group, he may be more lenient in the time limits; however, he asked speakers to <br /> be concise as possible in respect to everyone's time. <br /> Mayor Roe reviewed the public speaking process, sign-up sheet, and available <br /> chairs for identifying speakers for the record. Mayor Roe advised that any written <br /> materials submitted as part of their public comments, would be copied and distri- <br /> buted to the City Council and public as available. Mayor Roe advised that any <br /> questions raised during public comment would be duly noted and responded to by <br /> staff and the City Council at the end of public comments to avoid interruptions. <br /> Mayor Roe reminded citizens of the need for their continued courtesy and respect <br /> of each other; and asked that conversations in the audience be refrained, as well as <br /> any interactions with those speaking. Mayor Roe reiterated his belief that every- <br /> one had a right to be heard; and that personal conversation or commentary is dis- <br /> couraging. Mayor Roe asked that all cell phones be put on vibrate or turned off; <br /> and that comments and/or questions be addressed directly to the Mayor and City <br /> Council. <br /> Related to the numerous signs being displayed in the audience, Mayor Roe ad- <br /> vised that they would be allowed as long as they were not disrupting anyone's <br /> view; and encouraged those nervous about public speaking to simply relax and <br /> make their comments in their own words. Mayor Roe advised that every attempt <br /> would be made to ensure that both sides were given time to speak and make their <br /> cases. <br /> Mayor Roe opened the meeting for public comment on this issue at approximately <br /> 6:35 p.m. <br /> Public Comment <br /> A neighborhood petition dated June of 2011 supporting permanent closure of <br /> County Road C-2 at Griggs Street; and opposing changing County Road C-2 to a <br /> through street between Hamline and Lexington Avenue was presented as a bench <br /> handout, attached hereto and made a part hereof. The petition was based on safe- <br /> ty concerns; lack of evidence indicating established east/west through-roads being <br /> at or near capacity; potential devaluation of properties on and adjacent to County <br /> Road C-2 should it become a through street; and cost to taxpayers for a project <br /> that is not necessary nor wanted. <br /> David Miliotis, 1128 County Road C-2 <br />