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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 08,2011 <br /> Page 8 <br /> Mr. Miliotis advised that he had been asked to speak as the representative of a <br /> large group supporting keeping C-2 closed. Mr. Miliotis thanked City staff and <br /> the Traffic Engineering Consultant firm, SRF, for their work to-date; and opined <br /> that the data gleaned from the recent traffic survey served to remove the emotions <br /> and results spoke for themselves. <br /> Mr. Miliotis reviewed that data and current 2011 traffic as well as 2030 projec- <br /> tions in the area; and the findings that at neither time do or will traffic volumes <br /> exceed capacity. Mr. Miliotis referenced the staff comments in the Request for <br /> Council Action (RCA) dated August 8, 2011, and supporting documents (Attach- <br /> ment A-Traffic Survey), and staff responses (Attachment B) to public questions <br /> to-date regarding the County Road C-2 Traffic Study. Mr. Miliotis opined that <br /> opening up County Road C-2 didn't make sense from a traffic volume, safety or <br /> financial perspective. <br /> Mr. Miliotis opined that by keeping County Road C-2 closed, it underscored the <br /> fact that the collecting arteries were operating well-below their capacity and spe- <br /> cifically addressed questions 49 and 50 in the staff responses related to regional <br /> traffic and who would potentially pay for connecting County Road C-2 as a tho- <br /> roughfare for regional traffic. Mr. Miliotis noted that the City and State were al- <br /> ready facing significant cuts in needed funding for other vital infrastructure and <br /> community needs; and opined that, beyond the data actually supporting the bene- <br /> fits for not connecting County Road C-2 based on safety and financial issues; <br /> there was an ethical consideration. <br /> Mr. Miliotis opined that the residents of Josephine Road requesting this connec- <br /> tion had a poor grasp of facts; and were based on myth rather than fact. Mr. Mili- <br /> otis advised that comments that County Road C-2 was once a connecting road and <br /> should therefore be reconnected were false; and that it had actually never been <br /> connected. Mr. Miliotis advised that the width of County Road C-2 was not accu- <br /> rately portrayed, and that instead of being 66' wide, it was actually only 35' wide. <br /> While Josephine Road residents arguing that there had been an increased volume <br /> of traffic, Mr. Miliotis noted that there had only been an increase of 200 vehicle <br /> trips per day in the last six (6) years. Mr. Miliotis noted the argument that there <br /> were not engineering reasons to not open County Road C-2, which had now been <br /> disputed with the traffic study. <br /> Mr. Miliotis displayed a copy of a flyer received by area residents, encouraging <br /> them to sign the e-petition to open County Road C-2; and reviewed, in his opi- <br /> nion, the inane comments and rationale for opening County Road C-2 that it pro- <br /> vided. <br /> In conclusion, Mr. Miliotis opined that there was no factual evidence provided by <br /> those supporting connecting County Road C-2 through existing established <br /> neighborhoods; and that it would only serve to destroy those neighborhoods to ac- <br />