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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
9/14/2011 9:29:55 AM
Creation date
9/14/2011 9:29:51 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 22,2011 <br /> Page 7 <br /> Mayor Roe noted that Attachment B-2 provide a detailed listing by program; and <br /> noted his confusion in attempting to cross-reference that listing with Attachment <br /> C and the revised City Manager recommended budget versus the original City <br /> Manager-recommended budget's program cuts. <br /> City Manager Malinen reviewed Attachment A, and his highlighting of those pro- <br /> grams not being cut in his revised City Manger recommended budget versus those <br /> that he was recommending remain reduced or eliminated. Mr. Malinen advised <br /> that any apparent discrepancies were largely due to interpretation from a broad <br /> term versus differences in allocating those costs between 2011 and 2012; some of <br /> which would be offset with other increases; and provided no full reconciliation of <br /> what went up or down; with cost allocations possibly changing among programs. <br /> City Manager Malinen opined that the best way for the City Council to look at the <br /> documents was with a broader approach. <br /> Mayor Roe questioned if this was based on other pluses and/or minuses being re- <br /> lated to shifting or reallocation of those items. <br /> Finance Director Miller concurred, noting that throughout all programs, one main <br /> thing, as determined between the City Council and staff several meetings ago, was <br /> that anything considered capital but previously embedded into the budget (e.g. <br /> any depreciated items) became capital for 2012; but clarified that not all were <br /> done in 2011. Mr. Miller emphasized that, the intent of the August 8 and August <br /> 22, 2011 staff reports was to provide cleaner pieces for the City Council to see the <br /> larger changes from one fiscal year to the next; with those items highlighted in <br /> City Manager Malinen's August 4, 2011 memorandum rather than in providing a <br /> line item reconciliation that would prove too time-consuming and potentially bog <br /> Councilmembers down in a lot of minutia. <br /> Councilmember Pust questioned if her understanding was that it would not be a <br /> productive use of City Council time ask questions on Attachment B-2 versus At- <br /> tachment C, when Attachment C provided the explanation due to items being <br /> counted differently from year to year. <br /> Finance Director Miller concurred with Councilmember Pust's assessment; and <br /> suggested that the major program changes identified by City Manager Malinen in <br /> his revised City-Manager recommended budget were those that would be affected <br /> by the levy as detailed by City Manager Malinen at the August 8, 2011 meeting <br /> and corresponding reports, as highlighted. <br /> Mayor Roe advised that he was having trouble tracking on the August 4, 2011 <br /> memorandum and highlighted document attached to the August 8, 2011 RCA, and <br /> specifically which programs those items were coming from; whether the decision <br /> was based on program ratings by the City Council and augmented by survey re- <br />
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