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er ice vehicles. Service vehicles that enter or leave if sites during the 10 <br />.m. to 7 a.m. period remain a significant concern. As proposed. the ordinance <br />would allow nighttime sere deliveries as permitted uses, but service vehicles <br />over one tore load capacity 1,%-hich enter or exit the site between the hours of 1 0:00 <br />p.m. and 7:00 a.m. would be required to use a designated route approved by the <br />City. The designated route would keep vehicles at least 300' away from anv <br />residential district boundary* or be completeiv screened by a building. wall. <br />fence, or combination thereof from a point 14' ground <br />above the gro <br />landscaped berm, fen <br />at the outside edge of the truer route lane to a point above the first floor (maid <br />level) of the adjacent residences. Councilrnember Maschka suggested <br />consideration of a complete prohibition on service deliveries in the S- C' district <br />between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. <br />2.3 Backing operations within enclosed docking areas. The initial draft proposed a <br />requirement for a fuller enclosed loading dock. The planning commission <br />recommended deletion of the initial draft language requiring all loading and <br />unloadin g operations, erations, including the backing up of vehicles as part of positioning <br />to a loading doer, to occur within an enclosed structure. The current draft would <br />still require the actual loading and unloading operations to occur within a fully <br />enclosed structure with all exterior doors shut. The issue remaining is whether to <br />reinstate the language relating to backing operations including the basin{ up o t <br />vehicles as part of positioning to a loading dock. <br />.4 Rollin warehouses. Counc' Imernber oedeke raised an issue. not previouslN <br />considered as part of the stud` or Planning Commission hearing, regarding the <br />practice of some retailers staging or storing inventory in trailers or other vehicles <br />parked on -site. Many cities, including Roseville. have received citizen <br />complaints about this practice. which can result in tractor trailer units and other <br />vehicles remaining on site for several da <br />.5 Snow removal o erations. Snow removal operations during the nighttime hours <br />were discussed. As proposed, the draft would allow snow removal operations <br />between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., except that no permanent storage <br />of snow would be allowed to occur within 300 feet of a residentiai area. Snow <br />haulin g operations erations o f temporarily stored snow may have a significant disruptive <br />impact on nearby residential areas however, it is difficult to cover all possibilities <br />with one ordinance. <br />2.6 outdoor speakers and communication devices. The potential use of speakers or <br />other p ubl is address systems that could be heard outside would be required to be screened but could be used between the hours 1 op.m. to 7 a.m. under the <br />ordinance as recommended. Council members felt that the ordinance should <br />include a p rovision to regulate or prohibit outdoor speakers in the evening. <br />FICA(121- doc Page 2 of` 4 <br />
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