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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION Date: 12/15/99 <br />Item No.: <br />Department Approval: Manager Reviewed Agenda Section <br />0 6— Deports and Recommendations <br />1 <br />Item Description; Worker's Compensation Claim Handling <br />Background <br />The City's workers compensation program has been self insured by the City since its origination in <br />1980. During the period (1 980 -1 999) the claims management has been handled directly by the <br />Assistant Finance Director. The program has been very successful and an independent review has <br />shown that the City has an outstanding Experience Modification Factor of .86. This rating speaks <br />well of the City's decision to handle the program in house, as well as a reflection on the professional <br />expertise of Nick Ensrudc, Assistant Finance Director, who has administered the program since its <br />inception. <br />In looking ahead to Nick's retirement in the next 24 months as well as the general direction of <br />increasing complexity of the worker's compensation statutcs, we have been working with the <br />LM IT., our insurance carrier as to alternatives regarding claims handling. <br />Berkley Risk Administrators Company LLC, currently has the contract with the LICIT to <br />administer their claims. Because we are currently self insured, the LI I IT will allow Berkley to <br />contract directly with the City for a similar service. <br />The timing is such that by having Berkley contract with us for 2000, the City can still have Nick's <br />expertise to monitor the transition and to assist in evaluation of the effectiveness of the program. <br />Financial <br />The estimated east to Berkley to handle the City's workers compensation claims is $12,500 <br />annually. This cost would be from the worker's Compensation Fund, which would not affect the <br />000 tax levy and is included in the total budget for 2000. <br />Staff Recommendations <br />Staff` is recommending that the City Council approve the entering into are agreement with Berkley <br />Disk Administrators Company, LLC for workers' Compensation claims administration for the <br />calendar year of 2000. It is further emphasized that the Finance Department will monitor the <br />contract and provide an evaluation prior to any continuation beyond December 31, 2000. <br />Motion to approve a one year agreement with Berkley Risk Administrators Company, LLC for <br />worker's compensation claims administration and authorizing the City Manager, upon an aflir native <br />review by the City Attorney, to sign a contract for the year 2000. <br />
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