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insufficient size and inadequate condition for the new uses and may be <br /> demolished or incorporated into the project. <br /> 7.0 Public Funding and Uses <br /> Demolition of the structures and contamination clean up will continue to be the <br /> responsibility of the developer in Twin Lakes, The City may assist in these site <br /> preparation activities with Phase I, Phase 2, revolving loan funds, federal, state, <br /> and county matching funds and City tax increment financing. The City's current <br /> condemnation policy is to only acquire land through eminent domain necessary <br /> for public infrastructure purposes. <br /> Roseville has designated a developer (Ryan Companies) as the primary developer <br /> who is responsible for private sector development in the business park. Other <br /> developers may also purchase and develop in the business park, but Ryan has the <br /> first option on the use of TIF. The developers will be responsible for street, trail, <br /> ponding, and park dedication and/or improvements or for the provision of a <br /> private park open to the public. The location and shape of the park and ponds <br /> may be changed to best meet the needs of the project. <br /> Proper and sensitive site plan transitions and/or buffers to ad j acent single family <br /> and parks are required. <br /> 8.0 Transportation and Adjacent Land Uses <br /> In 2001 and 2002 Ramsey County anticipates beginning reconstruction of County <br /> Road C from Interstate 35W,east to Oxford Street a distance of approximately <br /> 11,000 lineal feet or 2 miles. The road will be reconstructed as a four lane with <br /> fixed median left turning lane and right turn lanes where warranted. (This new <br /> median design may impact access to some parcels.) The road surface will be <br /> poured concrete. New sidewalks, landscaping, and lighting will also be added. <br /> Minor right-of-way acquisition will be required. <br /> In 1997, the Twin Lakes EAW (attached) notes that a comprehensive traffic <br /> analysis was completed for years 1997 through 2011, and that, based on the <br /> existing and future land uses as projected in 1997, the redevelopment was <br /> expected to add 8,100 additional trips, including 230 inbound and 830 outbound <br /> trips during the post 2011 PM peak. The 1997 redevelopment was not projected to <br /> have significant traffic impacts. The Twin Lakes Renewal Strategy of Year 2000 <br /> must review these transportation projections and the related vehicle air emissions <br /> in light of possible changes in the land use. Based on the 1999-2000 Ramsey <br /> County Highway Department/SRF work, current traffic estimates are as follows: <br /> Twin Lakes Renewal Strategy August, 2000 3 of 9 <br />