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1004-01 <br /> a# The operation of any wholesale owned by the occupant of the prem is- <br /> or retail business unless it is conduct- es at which the sale tales place, or by <br /> ed entirely by ,nail and does net in- friends of such occupant and where <br /> volve the sale, shipment or delivery of the sale is conducted by such occu- <br /> merchandise on the premises. pant or friends, and not by an agent or <br /> any other person to whom a commis- <br /> b. Any manufacturing business, sion, fee or salary is paid. Items for <br /> barber shop or beauty shop, dancing sale shall not have been purchased <br /> or musical school with organized for resale or received on consignment <br /> classes of more than one pupil at a for the purpose of resale. Except d u r- <br /> tirne, commercial stable or kennel or ing the sales day and one day before <br /> any activity producing noxious matter and after for setup, items for sale <br /> or perceptible noise beyond the lot shall be stored within the garage, <br /> line. (Ord. 275, 5-12-59) screened from view with opaque fenc- <br /> ing or screening or stored in the resi- <br /> H. Repairs: There shall be no commercial deuce. No permit is required for a sale <br /> automotive repairs on a lot in a resi- which meets the criteria of this Sec- <br /> dence district. (Ord. 758, 6-2375) tion. A property owner may apply for a <br /> garage sale promotion permit in which <br /> 1. Garage And Boutique Bales In Res)- the applicant requests the City cou n- <br /> den#ia1 Districts: cif to vary or approve additional condi- <br /> tions beyond those stated in this <br /> 1. Restricted: Garage sales and resi- Code. <br /> dential boutique sales are permitted <br /> accessory uses in R-1: R-2, R-4, R'5 RESIDENTIAL BOUTIQUE BALE: The <br /> and R-6 Districts, but shall be limited sale of handcrafted items conducted <br /> to three (3)a three-consecutive-day on residential premises, where the <br /> sales each calendar year per resider- items sold are made by the occupant <br /> tial unit, and shall not exceed nine (9) of the premises at which the sale <br /> total days in duration per year. No takes place, or by friends of such <br /> single sale shall exceed three-consec- occupant, and where the sale is con- <br /> utive-days in length., The 'Maximum ducted by said occupant or friends of <br /> daily hours of operation shall be eight such occupant and not by an agent or <br /> o'clock (8:o0) AM, to six o'clock any other person to whom a commis- <br /> (6:00) RM. A residential boutique sale sion, fee or salary is paid. Items for <br /> shall not occupy more than four hun- sale shall be made in the home and <br /> dred (400) square feet of a residential not purchased for resale from any <br /> unit. retail or wholesale business source <br /> nor received on consignment for the <br /> 2. Definitions: For the purposes of this purpose of resale. (Ord. 1146a <br /> Section, garage sales and residential B-22-94) <br /> boutique sales are defined as follows: <br /> J. storage space Requirement: A mini- <br /> GARAGE BALE: A sale of used mum of ninety six {g6} cubic feet of <br /> household and personal items corn- miscellaneous storage space shall be <br /> ducted on residential premises, where provided for each dwelling in these <br /> the property sold consists of items areas: R-3, R- A, R-4+ R-5: R-6 and <br /> 1295 <br /> City of Roseville <br />