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004. <br /> within the principal structure a. The use by educational institu- <br /> P-7, �� not Ir1cII.Jde dormitories or <br /> be containing such unit. Such space shall tons does <br /> 1n addition to normal storage space rooming space for students; and <br /> provided i n wardrobes, cabinets and <br /> clothes or linen closets. o structure or building shall be <br /> nearer than thirty feet (30') to any <br /> K. House- Numbers: All dwellings shall adjacent lot in an R District. <br /> be assigned a house number by the <br /> Chief code Enforcement Officer. Each 6. "Low impact public or quasi-public <br /> � <br /> resident of such dwellin g shall cause uses, as defined in Section 1002.02 of <br /> , <br /> be displayed said house number this cede, when located in a publicly <br /> to buildin or a building which <br /> either by attaching or painting the owned <br /> numbers to the building or some other was formerly publicly owned and is <br /> conspicuous display approved by the now owned by a church, provided that <br /> � R Y <br /> Chief code Enforcement officer. The no structure or building shall be near- <br /> number displayed shall be at least er than thirty feet (30') to any adjacent <br /> • n f� District. In no case shall <br /> three inches (T ) in height. (Ord. 679, <br /> 9-11-72) the total parking needs of low impact <br /> public or quasi public uses o n a single <br /> _ site exceed the parking capacity al- <br /> ■ R-1 SINGLE-FAMILY IIESI- ready existing for the building and <br /> DEN CE DISTRICTS: premises where the uses are located. <br /> (Ord. 874, 1-12-81) <br /> A. Permitted Uses: <br /> 7. State licensed residential facilities -� <br /> 1. one family etached dwellings. serving six x (6) or fewer people. <br /> 2. Public parks and playgrounds. 8. State licensed day care facility <br /> searing twelve (12) or fewer persons. <br /> 3. Existing railroad right of ways for <br /> h movement of through trains 9. state licensed group family day <br /> to <br /> not to include switchin , storage yards care facility searing fourteen (14) or <br /> o � <br /> r sidings. fewer children. (11995 Code) <br /> 4. Churches, convents, libraries and E. Permitted Accessory Uses: <br /> City buildings, provided that no strut- <br /> re <br /> try or building had be nearer than 1. Private garage or parking space. <br /> � <br /> thirty feet (30') to any adjacent lot in <br /> an R District. 2. Private swimming pool. <br /> 5. Public private and parochial, ele- 3. Customary incidental;home occupa- <br /> ar and seconds schools, u n i- tions as regulated by this Code. <br /> rnent y � <br /> versilies and colleges and activities <br /> operated or sponsored by <br /> such institu- <br /> tions 4• Keeping of not more than two (2) <br /> provided that, <br /> ml110poum0000io. <br /> I <br /> 1295 <br /> City of Roseville <br />