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5.02 Quarterly Reports. Grantee shall submit quarterly reports to the Council for review and <br /> approval. Each quarterly report is due within thirty (3 0) days after ter the end of each calendar quarter. <br /> Each quarterly report shall include a detailed summary of completed work act vi t i es and project <br /> expenditures, including a comparison of actual activities and expenditures against planned activities and <br /> p ro jected expenditures. The Council may prescribe the format of such reports. <br /> projected <br /> Final Report. Upon completion of the project and not later than two (2) months after the <br /> end of the Project Activity Period, the Grantee must submit a �na 1 report for Council review and approval <br /> describing the activities and expenditures for the project and containing a final accounting of grant <br /> ex penditures. The final report must include a list of project personal property as required by paragraph <br /> 7.11. <br /> 5.04 Content of reports. The Grantee agrees to report completely and to provide the Council <br /> with an y additional or follow-up Information ormation as may be requested by Council staff.. <br /> 5.05 Copies. The Grantee agrees to provide copies of the reports specified in this Article V to <br /> organizations and individuals upon request during the Grant period. <br /> 5.06 Other Monitoring Activities. To assist the Council in monitoring compliance with the <br /> grant agreement,the Grantee agrees to attend Grantee meetings as requested by Council staff`and to <br /> permit site visits by Council staff, during business hours, upon reasonable notice. The Grantee agrees to <br /> submit to the Council a copy of any promotional information regarding the grant project disscminated by <br /> the Grantee during the Grant Period. <br /> 5.07 Changed Conditions. The grantee agrees to notify the Council immediately of any change <br /> in conditions, local law, or any other event that may affect the Grantee's abi Z' to per form the grant <br /> project in accordance with the terms of this agreement. <br /> VI. TIMING RE L I REMEN` S <br /> 6.01 Project Activity Period. The Grantee agrees to complete the %;,,ork prograrn activities <br /> described in Exhibit A by no later than August l, 1 the ''Project Activity Period" en date). e <br /> Council will not reimburse the Grantee for any project activities taking place belore this grant was <br /> awarded by the Council or a ftcr the end of the Pro Ject Activity Period. <br /> 6.02 Grant Periodd, The Grant period shall extend from the date of final execution of this <br /> agreement to a date three (3) months fallowing the end of the Project Activity Period, to permit close-out <br /> of the grant agreement. <br /> VIL GENERAL CONICITION <br /> 7.01 Amendments. The terms of this agreement may be changed only by mutual agreement of' <br /> the artier. such chan es shall be c ffec ti vc only upon the exec Lit i on o t'written amendments s L gn ed by <br /> p g <br /> authorized officers of the parties to this agrecmen t. <br /> 7.02 Termination by Council. The Council may terminate this grant agreement at any time by <br /> in grantee written notice of such termination at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of. <br /> providing <br /> such termination. Upon such termination Grantee shall be entitled to compensation for all reimbursable <br /> expenses in accordance with this grant agreement which were incurred pn or to the effective date of the <br /> termination. <br /> i <br /> -4- <br /> VIJ <br />