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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br /> DATE: 0 1125/98 <br /> Manager Approved: Agenda Section: <br /> LAND USE <br /> . . : WF Bauer Homes is requesting variances to reduce the rear yard setback to <br /> Ite 7 feet and to increase the impervious surface coverage of a parcel in a <br /> shoreland management district to 35% for the pose of regrading the site <br /> and constructing a single family residence on an undeveloped parcel , 1240 <br /> Belair ircleF3093). <br /> 1.0 Requested Action <br /> 1.1 WF Bauer Homes (Steve awa.dski) and John/Jan Carlson are requesting a variance from <br /> Section 1016.26(B) of the City Code to increase the impervious surface coverage of a.pre- <br /> existing lot in the shoreland management district of Fake Josephine from 5% to 35% for <br /> the purpose of regrading the site and constructing a single family residence on an <br /> undeveloped parcel. A second variance request would allow the building to set within 27 feet of <br /> the rear(south)property line. <br /> Code Requirement Proposed variance Reguested <br /> 25%Impervious Surface 35% 10% <br /> a <br /> 30 Foot Rear Yard Setback 27 feet 3 feet <br /> 2.0 Background <br /> 2.1 WF Bauer Homes owns an undeveloped lot at 1240 Belair Circle (Lot 7, Block 1, Belair <br /> Heights No. ). The property is zoned R-1, Single Family Residential, and the <br /> Comprehensive Flan identifies the propel as Low Density Residential. Adjacent land uses <br /> include single family residential to the north, south, east, and west. Another undeveloped <br /> parcel with similar site conditions is located directly east of this parcel. (A variance was <br /> approved for this site in December, 1998.) <br /> 2+2 WF Bauer Homes is requesting a variance from Section 101 6.26 of the City Code to increase <br /> the impervious lot coverage by 10%(1,170 square feet)to 3 5%in the shoreland management <br /> district of Lake Josephine. This subdivision was platted in 1978, before the adoption of the <br /> current shoreland management regulations(Chapter 1016 of the City Code). when this area <br /> was developed in the early 1980s, the cul-de-sac and other lots were cut down from the <br /> original topography. This lot and the lot to the east were left to be regraded and are <br /> approximately 15 feet above the roadway level of Belair Circle. This irregular shaped lot is <br /> 90 feet wide at building setback and averages 11 feet deep (12,13 3 square feet total). The <br /> House and deck/patio as proposed covers more than 2,650 square feet, the two-car garage <br /> PF3093 -RCA(01-25-98)-Page 1 of 3 <br />