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44, <br /> a at' <br /> 5,0 Planning Commission Recommend ions: <br /> .III <br /> On January 13, 1999,the Planning Commission held the required hearing and received <br /> comment from the public. The Commission heard from neighbors concerned about the <br /> potential drainage on to their lots, and snow storage which may affect their drainage. <br /> After discussion of the issues (see attached excerpt from the draft minutes),the Planning <br /> Commission did not recommend approval of the requested rear yard setback variance <br /> proposal (3 to 4), citing the need for a physical hardship and the ability of the architect to <br /> redesign alternatives for the structure to meet the setbacks. <br /> The Commission did state that the impervious surface variance appeared to be justified as <br /> in previous adjacent site. <br /> 6.0 Suggested Council Action <br /> By resolution, approve a variance to increase the impervious surface coverage of a parcel in <br /> a shoreland management district to 35% for the purpose of regrading the site and <br /> constructing a single family residence on a pre-e i sting undeveloped parcel at 1240 B elair <br /> Circle, based on the findings outlined in Section 3 of this report and with the provisions <br /> outlined in Section 4 <br /> By motion,concur with the planning Con nission to deny a three(3) foot rear yard setback <br /> variance request because there is no demonstrated physical hardship, and because there are <br /> alternative designs for the structure to meet the setbacks, <br /> Attachments: Property location map;notice of public hearing;project narrative from applicant;existing topography <br /> of area from city records;proposed site plan:proposed building elevations;proposed}wilding floor plans;grading plan; <br /> and declaration of covenants.Excerpt from P.C.draft minutes of 1/13/99. <br /> Prepared by: Kira L.Lee/Dennis Welsch(490-2232) <br /> Q: Planning Files\3093_Bauer Homes\PF3093-RCA(012599).dcc <br /> PF3093-RCA(01/25/99)-Page 4 of 4 <br />