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indirect drainage to Twice Josephine through a, series of retention ponds. <br /> 2. The steep road-side topography of the parcel creates a physical hardship for the <br /> applicant, as it requires regrading of the site and an extended driveway to reduce the <br /> slope of the driveway on the site. The irregularity of the lot, 124 feet on the west side <br /> and 137 feet of the east side, and the length of the driveway to reduce the steep <br /> grade, create physical hardships to meet current setbacks uniformly along the south <br /> (rear) property line. The house, with the current design, could be moved forward <br /> toward the street three feet to eliminate the rear setback problem. Alternately, the <br /> house could be slightly redesigned to eliminate the need for a setback variance, <br /> 3. The existing topography of the site has been compared with the proposed grading <br /> plan, which will alter the elevations of the entire lot. The lot was approved in 1978, <br /> prior to adoption of the current shoreland management ordinance. The proposed <br /> grading plan shows that the majority of drainage will not be diverted to adjacent <br /> properties; The slopes and swales divert surface water to the north to the street. <br /> However, this should be verified in the field at the time of construction. <br /> 4. The reduced rear setback(3 feet)and the additional 10% impervious surface coverage <br /> variance is in hannony with the existing development in the area, the genera <br /> purpose and intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Title 10 of the City Code <br /> (Zoning). <br /> 5. The proposed variances, if granted,will not adversely affect the public health, safety, <br /> or general welfare. The lot is irregularly shaped and the storm water/drainage will be <br /> handled by the City's storm water and ponding system in this area. <br /> 4.0 Staff Recommendation <br /> 4.1 Based on the findings outlined in Section 3.1, staff recommended approval of the requests <br /> for variances to reduce the rear setback (by 3 feet to 27 feet (screened in part by the <br /> regrading), and increase the impervious surface coverage of a parcel in a shoreland <br /> management district to 35% for the purpose of regrading the site and constructing a single <br /> family residence on an undeveloped parcel at 1240 Belair Circle, with the following <br /> provisions: <br /> 1. on-site grading must be verified in the Feld to insure that drainage is not diverted to <br /> adjacent properties. <br /> 2, Prior to site grading, and before any utility construction is commenced or building <br /> permits are issued, an erosion control plan must be submitted for approval, and all <br /> erosion control actions shall be implemented and inspected. <br /> PF3093 -RCA(01/25/99)-Page 3 of 4 <br />