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re-inspection occurs. If the violation is corrected (approximately 80 are <br /> corrected by this time)the file is closed. If the violation is not corrected the <br /> Codes Coordinator inspects the site to verify the violation (often the Codes <br /> Coordinator initiates contact to attempt a resolution). If still in violation, a <br /> third notice is sent which includes an administrative ticket($100). A re- <br /> inspection is scheduled for two weeps out. <br /> e A re-inspection occurs. If the violation is corrected,the file is closed(if <br /> requested by the property owner,the administrative ticket is voided). If the <br /> violation persists,a court citation is issued and the case referred onto the City <br /> Attorney for prosecution* <br /> 9 Note:cases are rarely this simple and straight forward;however.,this outlines <br /> the basic procedure/method. Also,the same follow-up procedures are utilized <br /> on complaints registered by citizens. <br /> 3.3.4 Education: Pursue compliance by educating and informing both citizens and <br /> businesses. Methods to include: <br /> Violation notices (warnings). <br /> -to educate and inform of the specific violation <br /> -use a checklist type form which also educates of other typical violations <br /> Periodic informational segments in the Roseville wrap aimed at citizens. <br /> Periodic informational segments in the Roseville Business Link aimed at <br /> businesses. <br /> Periodic informational segments on the cable network <br /> Periodic mailings of information to business properties (i.e., in fall for snow <br /> removal). <br /> 3.4 Additional outcomes Anticipated(Beyond benefits previously listed) <br /> By pursuing as many sites/violations as possible the first two years (1998 1999), along <br /> with educational efforts,it is anticipated that; <br /> Citizens will be aware of what is/is not allowed and will voluntarily abide. <br /> Citizens will be more aware of violations and report(and City abate) <br /> occurrences before they have a chance to multiply. <br /> Fewer instances of violations will occur. <br /> The City will be better able to monitor and abate violations (when the <br /> numbers of occurrences is not so overwhelming) and to perform this role in <br /> an ever increasingly professional manner. <br /> e Reduce these types of occurrences to the point that they are readily <br /> manageable by assigned City staff, and,before they can cause a negative <br /> impression on the high quality of life which Roseville presently enjoys. <br /> Page 4 of 5 <br />