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07 ,30/98 THL 12=14 FAX L9010 <br /> not d cf ed i1z the iWnnesota 'S ta 4 rc-s. How cN:er. CmTts and the MP C <br /> I r.ler pret -be ten-n bro adlv to in cl ud%eo �I I st TTvi cts tlia-r supply faciiiti es for <br /> sire-Ultancotis t-wo- ay coMM11 rdeati.on. l n.soya Nllcrowax?e V. <br /> 190 N.W. d 661 (.Minn. 197 1). In a rectnt dectsioi?, the RUC found that <br /> y e provision pn vase l i u e ice iw -u'a ect to PU jurisdiction <br /> hec 1 t s� Ives o erin�mo-way COMI MP UnIC�l L�o�ls �o� ������������LIOI1 to <br /> tbdrd parties and does not faI! with.1 n an exception from the Statutory <br /> definition of "telephone comps _ � ir, re Joiws Tntercabler 1996 WL <br /> 524265, Docket t roy P-51LO./C-94-1 1.� P.U.C. 1996). <br /> Minnesota last also provides t-ae NLP %, ';for the purpose of bring= <br /> abo LLt fair and reasonable e onr ������-)n for local exchange tel e�honc <br /> scrvices."' with exclusive authority to authorize any person to eonstiuct <br /> tel ep Bone lines or exchanges or Lo othervv se fun-.l1 local strvice to <br /> subscribers in a�. ra-unicipali t ka � � soup and to prescribe the term s <br /> and conditions upon which consLrtfc ioi+L or&Tvicc delivar may be carried <br /> ." Wan. Stat. Ann. § 237.1 UL) L 1 (West Lip11_ 1 997). T lire 1k no <br /> deli rd tiou o f`tdie t�rm `t iephone ling` In, the i inncsota statutes. Under <br /> the iVLFLJC. rules,, a. 4-line'' means "a tyeneral term used in Lhe <br /> col-nmunication industry in se'fel ai diffe ant senses, Lhe most ilnporLarit of <br /> which are: (1) a conductor- # co;dwtorY and supporfii)g or containing <br /> st uctlu es e tendillo between va Comer stations ;arid ccntrai offices, or <br /> b t rcen central offices whedier hz�y are hey een the sari-ie or different <br /> co inn ities; (2) conductors axi d circuit app a-rat-us associated with a <br /> particular corn rn uni cation channcl- and any communication channel <br /> et eert two points aisre arding the rriethod of its derivation." Mmn. R. <br /> 7810. 10 ubp. �1_ <br /> If a city operates a telephone exchange (I-e., the "switch"'witch*' that roues <br /> .Mcarr int—. t lepho-ne calls to their destinations)} it b scorn es subject to <br /> se:tbton - 3 7.19, w i ch rcqu ims the loo Wing of a referendum, in addition to <br /> obtair'ng a c eitficate of authority. A CVY Mist obtain a 65% <br /> superr'n-a' t of those person voting in the cloction in order to omni- <br /> construct, or operate a `'tel epho ne exch an ac" <br /> 2. Conipetitive Bidding. <br /> i Iesota Statutes section 471�145 sets forth uru.fonn municipal <br /> ontractn stand;-ids a pplicable to ever- '-towi)a city, school disftict, or <br /> ether municipal corporation or poli.tic3l subdivision of.the state author/,edi <br /> by la%v to enter into contracts.}" The statue applies to an "'agreement <br /> entered into - , _ for the sale or purchase of supplies^ materials, equipment <br /> or the rental thereof} or the constnrc kion, alteration. r cTaix or maintenance <br /> of real or personal property." M- irm. Stat. § 47 1451 Subd. 2 (1997). <br /> Transactions involving mo-rc to S 2 5,('O O nyast be solicited by public <br /> outline-i�_oseviUe,MIN Project <br /> -tl#2 162 7 72-1 -7/30/98 -Pa- 12 <br />