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4 <br /> 0 r' Tit l .1 FAX all <br /> notice U11der se-2-Li ed bids, The City., r-Lrost follow any competitive ridding <br /> procedures 5 et furtb tend cr its City Chaney or Codc. Id., Subd. <br /> Contracts involving valLLe of q 1,0 .. to 525-000 may be executed either <br /> after soliciting scaled bids or by d 3 rec t negotiation, by obtaining two or <br /> more quotatoris for the purchase or sale when possible+ Solicitation by <br /> Public in otice is not required for moor-i t~r .cts to this range of values. Ld., <br /> Subd+ 4. <br /> Contracts ender 101 <br /> 000 may be cntc : � cit'ricr upoii recelpt of a.quotation <br /> or upon p ftrchasc III the opeTi rr:arket, Uri the discretion of the council. ., <br /> Subd, 5. If a contract in this range of valve is lrnade on quotata on, it must <br /> be based) so far as practicable, on a t least m c quota.tiou s. Id. <br /> P17ospective en!i ce Otferi n crs !R:ch minai�; e ul atury Al Al al}f s I s. <br /> Use of FO NN for Utility Purposes axe d f aten-ial NNILMiCipal U scs. <br /> If the City cons"cted the FO solely for use in cor�'unc.t'on w-th its o� <br /> sr <br /> utility scrv'ce, it would not have to ob}ain a cer��ic ate �f authcTI t frarr� <br /> the�T� . The «se c f a FON for elec*c ut iit�f P��r-�OS cs clearly (�es not <br /> fall within the plabj. e�a1,, of tie terms "=telephone 11rxe," the constructiorn <br /> o l'which requires a cei Wfi cate of autli ors yfrom the U . <br /> With respect to a FON being built solely for the CI N's intenial <br /> com nunic tions needs, a M,U'C ocrtifcatc of authoAty would not be <br /> regLared. State IaW 0111'y gives the NMPUC reryul atory authoTity ov er <br /> compam- -.or rnunicip ities owv3Lg or operating any telephorke line or <br /> tole l�hone•cwhange or faire. Minn. Slat. § '12037.0.1. ub& 1 f 237-02. if <br /> . <br /> .the F :- 'ere used solely for the Cr `s awn purposes, it would not be a <br /> t .e lire or-cxchancre for hire. Morcover, section 23 7-16's rant of <br /> ex-clu''s 11 ve authority to the NIP UC rig 'din cr the constracticn of"`teleph ogle, <br /> lines.,Or .exchanzes" is a grant i nade for the purpose of regulating the <br /> pro-vislon. Of local exchange tcdc}phone. service to the public_ If the City <br /> were using the FONT solely for i is oNvTi ri Beds, there would be no need for a <br /> 'Certificate of aiAhority from the MPUC to build the FONT_ <br /> cr of <br /> 29 Leasir� ess rapacity. <br /> Leasing of dark fiber is nc L traditional plfnin old telephone service <br /> (GgP T "). Howover, giveil tb.c broad constnict i on of 'what constitutes <br /> 46 telephone senricei*'under State law. <br /> The City wrould probably be syjbj ect to 1 R Ut regulation. Thds 'I's <br /> i-niportant,becausc it is not clear whether state. la-. requires ilia City to <br /> Outlla.;-1Noseville.MN. Project <br /> 1#21627772-1 r ;'019 9 -Pg. 13 <br />