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0 7 3 0/9 8 THU I�:16 FAX <br /> obtain NPUC authohty before leas ng da-rk fiber Lo third p attics, There is <br /> no case IaNv on t1iis subject in N-lir.acso ta. Howc:,Vera the MPUC has been <br /> following the lead of the ('o-mT n ur i e ati ergs oil ission (FCC) <br /> with respect to these definitional, is sins. All e asu lav y on the federal level <br /> holds that teasing dark- fiber '� not ���I e l�f."'01 ��.��e�.tions se ie c`'because <br /> it does not conr eYTI prow i sion of seiN icc to tb e publi o. ee lei the Mat* <br /> edera.� tatirt ei FCC -1 7 f C Docket <br /> No. 96-45 (May 8, 1997)- <br /> Federal Regulation, <br /> The City would not be subject to the Jurisdiction of the FCC if at leased <br /> dark fiber because we pres7ie the Cit oui� only lease, fiber optic <br /> capacity on an intra st r.te basis., CiWL wo ti1d not o-m or operate <br /> teleeoinmwnieati cns facilities Out,5 i.dc �N ell'i rinesola. Th i the City would <br /> not be providing interstate te14:-co=,-�uir.,at10r s erVI CIP. Sri %2,111 not be <br /> subject to the FCC's j uri sdieta oil <br /> D MPUC Certification' rocess. <br /> If the City goes beyond leasing dar](giber, l n to the realm of affering sel.719-ce to the <br /> public, it is almost certaiia That an serviers pro <br /> ��ded �ro�;� be subject to ��T <br /> aulhon'-t . For the City's refere-ticex,-b=low- is a brief d .cription of the M- U <br /> certification process and the process w%,,,-, .-recomxr.end # e City follow in applying <br /> Tor a certificate of auliority- Fredrikson . Heron TOCOntly successfully obtained <br /> for the City of M.o Tbead, Nfinnesota the first certificate of authority issued in the <br /> S Late of Mim.esota to a municipality under the ff"U rLtles gov rning the <br /> PI Ovision of *local 'Che telecon=J.1-a-.0 cations en-1ces1 whicli Includes the <br /> prov-.1slon.,of pn vate line voice, video, mu1d data tmusPoTt services. <br /> Review '- ty-`S. _ tttllority to Offer the -Proposed Teleeorarnunieations <br /> Federal and:'state law must be t;x&rnined to determine whether the City has <br /> the authority to offer a proposed service. If the City plans to operate a <br /> telephone exchange, 01' a switch of any kind, the City would be required to <br /> subin i t such a proposition to CiV rotors un "er i �esota statutes section <br /> 237.19. The City's Charter and City Code mast also be e a�.ined to <br /> -,determine whether the City Nas the auihon-t�l to provide tb e proposed <br /> tel ecomm`r nications sei-vi ce. <br /> , Analyze and Prep are Application ilIvIaterials. <br /> As apart of the application proecss. the MPU regWres that applicants for <br /> a ee 'fto to of autholit�r submit ' �rmatjon on tbeir finaneia.l* tec�eal, <br /> and legal qualifications to provide 4elecornmurdcations service- The City <br /> 01111''-ROSCV 711 e,PVL PTOjtCt <br /> i4,21627711-I -V-3095 -Pg. 14 <br />