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07130/98 THL' 12 211 F.kX i .!010 <br /> Res?slance r onl comp 'P lva ? f ec0rrh�M1c ions tamers and <br /> cahlc operator, <br /> Lt�dse to 0 xrl, <br /> As expl <br /> As aincd above, the City COLU;d capacity arcm a private ca.rricr. <br /> T'lle Ciry could structure a lease. to own airang,errLcnAL %vith a private anli'Y3 <br /> Gradually airy-.g �-c l c-r er the e 1 c sts of providing itself sere;ice* <br /> Moireo-vor, this would be a way to wino.rtize the required capital invcstnzcnt <br /> oveT froze. However. the likely tradr,--o ff would be, a grater o veral.t capital <br /> investment since tb a private caxrier would ally be financing the <br /> City's acquisition of tlzc FO N. <br /> dvan,t <br /> 1_ Conti-al over cost of scry cc_ <br /> 2. Longer period to =iairtizt capi1:i costs <br /> sadv a i i Cacr vs i <br /> O'lAmership could tagger the nree� L�11 Cl z at of .utr rat <br /> 2. Iigher cwrall capital cost_ <br /> 3_ Limited capacity - mair 'aot be able to acquire more capacity when <br /> nee&, , on rcas cnab lc tcnri _ <br /> 4. WhJc"leaSIM&m>' scope of is ['likely ccnza� l-mited. <br /> .' Q��st ce: .roil I1ti lc �i r`}t�f lcat2 1 cc" l S 1'� <br /> --operators. <br /> I unicxpa-1,,1y'11nanccd onstrucf i Ii and Ownct ship- <br /> The tlz.i rd option available to the tCiVy Ls to finance the conslTuct ar4 <br /> ownership, and operation of the.]:� ltssclf This option gives tlic City the <br /> greatest degee of control over its ntur c telecomr-nunications needs. <br /> h icnsl � it also ca-ri witl it a lar Initial capital investment u-d <br /> ongoitl maintenaricc costs, a new us tQ the City"s cicoU i c utility service. <br /> dvagatacr <br /> 1. Coiitrol. <br /> .0ill i ne._Rot.cvffle MINI Project <br /> #2162772-F. 7 3 0/9 Pa. 17 <br />