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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br /> DATE: 8/10/98 <br /> ITEM .: J- <br /> Department Approval: Manage- Reviewed: Agenda section: <br /> P�/Y Ordinances and Resolutions <br /> Item Description; Cable Television Franchise Ordinance. <br /> BACKGROUND <br /> The cable franchise renewal process has been coordinated by the North Suburban Cable <br /> Commission on behalf of its member cities. The renewal process has followed the "formal" <br /> procedures established by the Federal communications Commission. In accordance with <br /> that process, the cable Commission has conducted a Marketing and Engineering Analysis <br /> of the system, coupled with a Creeds Assessment to member communities. <br /> The North Suburban Cable commission has voted unanimously to recommend to its <br /> member cities approval of the proposed renewal. In addition, nine of the ten member cities <br /> have approved the franchise renewal with MedlaOne. <br /> The Roseville city council has followed a deliberate course to consider the franchise <br /> renewal. The process has been complicated by two ownership transfers which have <br /> caused significant delays. The city has also considered the cable television franchise <br /> renewal in the context of a new Right-of-gray Ordinance and a comparison to franchise <br /> renewals for the electric and gas utilities with Northern States Poorer. <br /> Given the interrelatedness of many of these renewals, plus the seriousness of a 15 year <br /> franchise renewal, the city Council commissioned special outside counsel to review each <br /> of these matters. Adrian Herbst, of the Fredrikson and Byron lair firm, was retained to <br /> provide a final review of the cable television franchise renewal proposal. Mr. Herbst's <br /> comments are enclosed in the attached memo, for council consideration. In general, he <br /> indicates support for council renewal of the franchise and has recommended a number of <br /> clarifications which are currently the subject of discussions with Mediaone. <br /> STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> Careful review and due diligence of the franchise renewal have been performed by the <br /> Cable Commission, the city Council, staff, our City Attorney, and special counsel. The <br /> franchise renewal proposal with MediaOne is believed to be a very good proposal for the <br /> City and for cable subscribers. This review has included the technology opportunities for <br /> Roseville cable subscribers, the revenue potential for the community, and the service <br /> package through acka available th h M ed iaone. Based on favorable reviews at each level, City staff <br /> � <br /> recommends approval of the proposed Cable Television Franchise Ordinance Renewal. <br /> COUNCIL ACTION REQUESTED <br /> Motion to approve the Cable Television Franchise ordinance with MediaOne, <br />