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EXHIBIT A - Continued <br /> - 17. Meredith Cable proposes that interconnection between cornrnonly owned, <br /> adjacent franchised systems in the Twin Cities marketplace can be accommodated by <br /> making available one (1) 6 NfHZ channel for forward video purposes, one 1) 6 N1H <br /> channel for return video purposes, one (1) 6 NIHZ channel for forward data and/or other <br /> purposes, and one (1) 6 NfHZ channel for return data and/or other purposes. Actual <br /> interconnection with other franchise a areas will be subject to technical cap ability of those <br /> systems and those franchise areas entering into similar renewal aureernents containing <br /> similar provisions. <br /> A- 18. Meredith Cabie plans to have a 7550 N carrier inserted at a level 1 Ddb below <br /> the video careers that will be measured as a normal procedure during service calls. The <br /> drop cable and passives will be inspected during norrnai installations to assure that 750 <br /> NIHZ can be passed. Should a drop or associated passive equipment not pass the full 75 0 <br /> NIR , the address will be noted and at the time the address upgrades service that requires <br /> signal above 550 I , the drop and/or associated equipment i11 be changed out. <br /> B. INSTITUTIONAL NETW o_RK <br /> Meredith Cable proposes to meet the needs of institutions and users by up(Yradin� the eXistinCr <br /> Institutional Network, including fiber capacity in the system to facilitate future Institutional <br /> Network enhancements,, and with mutually acceptable franchise language relating to technical an <br /> performance standards for the Institutional Network. This plan will offer flexibility and <br /> alternatives to local governments, public school districts, private schools, higher educational <br /> institutions, libraries and the social service conununity for the delivery and exchange of video and <br /> telecommunications services. Specifically, Meredith Cable proposes to make the fo llowincr <br /> franchise commitments: <br /> B - 1. Frequency spectrum includincr upstream and downstream); 3 - 450 NEH . <br /> B - 2. Channel capacity of 54 channels (16 upstream and 3 8 downstream). <br /> B - 3. 15 additional pilot generators. <br /> • B - 4. lie-tuning of 10 existing pilot crenerato rs. <br /> B - 5. Re-tunincr of 124 existing amplifiers. <br /> B - 6. Provision of 20 additional modulators or de-modulators_ <br /> B - 7. Standby power with full battery placement. <br /> MM <br /> B- 8. Four 4) count shadow fiber placed along that part of the subscriber network that <br /> parallels the Institutional Network. <br />