Roseville City Council Minutes Page 4
<br /> July 27, 1998
<br /> wiski moved, Mastel seconded, that Michael Fie ffernan's request for a
<br /> variance to allow a second detached garage at 2042-2044 Dale Street Forth be
<br /> continued to the regular City Council meeting of Monday, August 10, 1998.
<br /> Roll Call, Ayes: Maschka, Mastel, Goede e, wiski, and Wall. Days: None.
<br /> Mastel moved, Wis i seconded, that the review period be extended for 60 days
<br /> with Mr. Heffernan"s concurrence. loll Call. Ayes: Maschka, Mastel, Goedeke..
<br /> wiski, and wall. bays: None.
<br /> The meeting was recessed for a 10 minute break at :15 p.m.
<br /> The meeting was reconvened at 8:25 p.m.
<br /> 1-2 Mastel moved, Maschka seconded, that Resolution 9566, approving an Interim RESOLUTION
<br /> Use Permit for North Heights Lutheran church at 2701 Rice Street Forth, to 9566
<br /> allow the continued use of a 4' x 7 0' temporary building for office space. be
<br /> adopted. Roll Call, Ayes: Maschka, Mastel, Goedeke, wiski, and wall. Nays:
<br /> None.
<br /> 1-3 wi ski moved, Maschka seconded, that Resolution 9567, denying a Conditional RESOLUTION
<br /> Use Permit to National Tire and Battery for an auto service installation/ 9567
<br /> accessory facility at 2561 Snelling Avenue forth, be adopted. boll Call, Ayes:
<br /> Maschka, Mastel, Goedeke, and wiski. Nays: wall.
<br /> J-1 Goedeke moved, Maschka seconded,that consideration of the bight-of-way RIGHT-OF-WAY
<br /> ordinance be continued to the regular City Council meeting of Monday, August ORDINANCE
<br /> 105 1998. loll Call, Ayes: Maschka, Mastel, Goedeke, wiski, and wall. Bays:
<br /> None.
<br /> J-2 Maschka moved, Mastel seconded, that the final action on the proposed N P NSP FRANCHISE
<br /> Gas and Electric Franchise Agreements be continued to the regular City AGREEMENTS
<br /> Council meeting of Monday, August 10, 1998. boll Call, Ayes: Maschka,
<br /> Mastel, Goedeke,, wiski, and Nail. bays: None.
<br /> J-3 Maschka moved, Goedeke seconded, that consideration of the Cable Television CABLE TV
<br /> Franchise Ordinance Renewal be continued to the regular City Council meeting
<br /> of Monday, August 10, 1998. loll Call, Ayes: Maschka, Mastel, Goedeke,
<br /> wiski, and wall. Nays: Done.
<br /> F-2 Goedeke moved, wis i seconded, that the staff be directed to complete the HAMLINE AND
<br /> oration of the Ha mline and B Request For Proposal and distribute it to
<br /> prep �
<br /> the affected property owners and the development community. boll Call,
<br /> Ave s: Maschka, Mastel, Goedeke, wiski, and wall. Nays:: bone.
<br /> V'
<br />