Roseville City Council Minutes Page 5
<br /> June 22, 1998
<br /> Mastel moved, Maschka seconded,that the deletion of the proposed boardwalk
<br /> on the north side of the lake and the parking lot near Arthur Street from the
<br /> Langton Lake Park Master Plan be approved. loll Call,Ayes: Goedeke, Wiski,
<br /> Mastel, Maschka, and wall. Nays: bone.
<br /> Mastel moved, Maschka seconded, that a consultant not be authorized to do a
<br /> feasibility study to determine options and costs and need for creating additional
<br /> water flow in the north end of Langton Lake. loll Call, Ayes: Goedeke, Wiski,
<br /> Martel, Maschka, and Wall. Days: bone.
<br /> Mastel moved, Maschka, seconded, that a$50,000 DNR grant be accepted.
<br /> Roll Call, dyes: Goedeke, Wiski, Mastel, Maschka, and Wall. Days: None.
<br /> The meeting was recessed for a 10 minute break at 10:25 p.m.
<br /> The meeting was reconvened at 10:35 p.m.
<br /> J-1 Mastel moved, Maschka seconded,that Ordinance 1 206, amending Chapter ORDINANCE
<br /> 106, volunteer Fire Department, Section 106.12: Pension and Funeral Benefits, 1206
<br /> of the City Code and the Association Bylaws increasing the Firefighters'
<br /> pension benefit to service pension amount payable per month for each year of
<br /> service of$23, or-a lump sum.service pension amount payable for each year of
<br /> service of$2,3 00, be adopted. boll Call, dyes: Goedeke, Wiski, Martel,
<br /> Maschka, and Wall. Nays: None.
<br /> K, REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS (Continued,if necessary)
<br /> K-1 Mastel 'Moved, Maschka seconded,that staff be directed to secure an appraisal ROSEVILLE
<br /> of the property at 2190 St. Croix Street and bring back a Purchase Agreement HOUSING
<br /> for Council consideration. Roll Call, Ayes: Goedeke, Wiski, Mastel,Masco IMPROVEMENT
<br /> and wall. Nays: None. PROGRAM
<br /> Mastel moved,.Maschka seconded,that staff be directed to meet with the home-
<br /> owners on County Road B, from 450 County Road-,B west to 436 County Road
<br /> B west,regarding the possible redevelopment opportunities of their homes*
<br /> .Based upon their interest, staff is directed to meet with homebuilders and
<br /> encourage them to present a plan for redevelopment. Roll Call,Ayes. Goedeke,
<br /> Wiski, Mastel, Maschka, and wall. Nays:None.
<br /> Mastel moved, Wiski seconded,.that staff be directed to work with Mildred
<br /> Bucher's family members on the renovation of the home at 335 Burke Street
<br /> and brig back the specifics on a low interest deferred loan to complete
<br /> necessary improvements to the hone in conjunction with a first time Borne
<br /> bu qr loan..Ra Call, Ayes: Goedeke,-Wiski,Mastel, Maschka, and wall.
<br /> Nays: None.
<br />