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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br /> DATE. 6/15198 <br /> F-1 <br /> ITEM NO., <br /> Department Approvai., Manager Reviewed: Agenda Section: <br /> Reports and Recommendations <br /> Item Description: Acceptance of Bids for the Expansion of the Roseville Skating Center <br /> BACKGROUND <br /> History of skating center <br /> The following i s a chronology of events leading to the development of the project to expand the <br /> Roseville skating Center: <br /> 1. In 1969, the Roseville Arena was constructed. <br /> 2. In 1993, the John Rose Minnesota OVAL was constructed and attached to the <br /> Roseville Arena. <br /> 3. In February of 1994, the City of Roseville made application to the Minnesota <br /> Legislature and was granted $500,000 for an expansion of the facilities. The total <br /> amount of$1,900,000 was specified as the project budget. <br /> 4. In June of 1995, the Parks and Recreation Department was reorganized and the <br /> Roseville skating Center was created. <br /> 5. In October of 1996, the city of Roseville made application to the Minnesota Amateur <br /> Sports commission and was granted $50,000 for improvements to the Roseville <br /> Arena. The total project was expanded to $2,000,000 as a of the improvements <br /> to the Arena in this grant. <br /> 6. In September of 1997, the Council appointed a citizens committee to investigate the <br /> recreational infrastructure needs of the community. This committee recommended the <br /> proposed expansion to the Skating Center. <br /> 7. In September of 1997, the consulting firm of Eonestroo, Rosene and Anderlik (BRA) <br /> was hired to prepare plans for the expansion of the Skating Center. <br /> 8. In January 1998: the Parks and Recreation Commission recommended the project as <br /> proposed. <br /> 9, At the February council Work Session, staff presented the budget for the use of the <br /> Parks and Recreation Infrastructure Fund which included the City's estimated cost for <br /> this project of$1,300,000. <br /> 10.on March 23, the Counci I authorized the hiring of R.A. Morton as Construction <br /> Manger for the project and for bids to be advertised. The addition of the pro shop and <br /> entry war improvements were deleted from this project pending the outcome of <br /> potential plans for the addition of a restaurant. The budget goal was established as <br /> $11900?000. <br />