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-All <br /> U.I" <br /> EAGUE OF J'A"I T I E <br /> 1 n ate sla a*_-utoc y c t ihow ,%P$t Y e ;1ti(I. �aridtdates ano *15uts, thetj are <br /> enni a)'I v on the f it�i 7jesd a.1 t et hc r 5,,L "Vlonda Q I C "o ieave the city ballot blank as long as <br /> (0 the pollS. When the city elect* <br /> ,n Novl�mb,%:Or. Each may 1-house odd- :f IN, ton <br /> year and z., •en-yeat eject-.ons, but >L v,(.A l be on the ..:r nold ,#I octi ` Cols, On the other hand, only those <br /> even-yeat schedule Ir I?' <br /> takes no C" Lion. Wnnesota Rs k,,h o are ntetested in and somewhat tnformed or <br /> � <br /> � <br /> home -u-ie csties long have had the opporiumly to - -0 y probleirns are likely to patticipare (opponents <br /> �tll-4 o might otherwise participate <br /> ke sime choice fand mark., rnote choices unter that votcrs wh <br /> 9 <br /> [ ev mav local elections on any secular only in state and general elections will acquire an <br /> ti �oid <br /> j.'16C Veat'r 3 n C xA:th -tvharevet frequency rhey inrCreir m municipal e6leccion5 under` a combined <br /> f electron plan <br /> As %tj ith most issues the advantages ate not all on (2) Focussng attention on municipal problems is <br /> one side. Here are some❑ L e � nporiant ara <br /> uments much easier *hen the city electron is held separately. <br /> ound <br /> 'is should corislde' in choosing ber�veen the Because the attention of the electofaLe will be <br /> c <br /> c),dd-vear and everi-year elecz1on schedUld largely drawn ro canclidates and issm at slate and <br /> nat•anat levels, a greater burden will be placed <br /> For Even-Year Elections upon the local candidates for office as well as those <br /> mLerescecl for or against special city issues on the <br /> (I) 'fr':ie vote at Ciry elections will be. greatly in.- ballot 11, the election is held in even years. Consoli- <br /> cteased. RallloLs cast at sia-ite elections hatie beer, dated elect(ons % tit mean that the. local candidates <br /> 1wo to :,en times as ;iuriieraus as those cast (n coat- for oftice vv,n be COnducting the � campaigns at es. <br /> paraoie gty electiaris, and this d�spa(iT%, rna\, be sear ally the same time as state arc naifonal parry <br /> ?reatei between 1. City elect ion mf,0 te%-v cQn- organi2atian� are floociin� the mass rnedia with an <br /> es;.s and a prestijenit'i'l election. T1r.,11 1,eSL1i%TN s chat abUndance or pollucal p-opaganda Interest in local <br /> city e-tections held if) the odd year are decided b%, -a Issues W11111 Lhteetoie, be subofdiria[ed tc) state and <br /> small rnirafi[y of the eligibic ,oters As orie ne-ws. na"Ponai issues ;t t; 5 not mace almost ''on-existent. <br /> per aditot.a'hzed in commending the council Tor <br /> L ton. may Plicourage parti- <br /> a shift 10 C-C11501idz- te( clecuors rhe greatef pe( (3) Consoitaltea ele't, s may wl <br /> -entage of people %,Yho take part in the function of sanship al the local iewl Minnesota total elections <br /> ;o( many yearS have been non-pattisan, presumably <br /> iepreseniarjve 90V1e!,111,rrA..1,111t, rhegreaier tsLhechance <br /> 'IMenr �,V[ In lecognttion or the tact that t h e issues i n loco( <br /> that their L 0 funciton more Wec- <br /> elections usually have little or no (elati❑nship to <br /> naiio•nal and State patty olatforms. To hold elec- <br /> f�) lr� a larger city, Ehe total eleCT10r) CX- tons f-ontempotaneously may rend to encourage <br /> '11 be, substantially educed. By hold the, hp. injection or' pot tical pawsanship into city elec. <br /> rise w I I I <br /> two elections on one day, almost all the special riori campaigns (Opponents point our, however, <br /> personnel CoStS attributable to city elections can be that the election of counts and judicial officers has <br /> T. <br /> Ls noi been maae not:ceably more. parTIS'nby occur. <br /> ebri-iinated, Though the cost of preparing ciiy ballots a <br /> anc,J publishing notices will be unchanged EICC60n, [Ing at the same time as the electron to partisan <br /> board expense, already an obligailon of he city off ices.) Note also that th)s argument has no rele- <br /> f vance in Minneapolis and ST Paul which now have <br /> ,o( the general election, would be increased over <br /> the general e►ectlorl expense only by the amount partisan elections <br /> needed to pay for the extra rime of counting city <br /> Ex%ccp[l �n citie5 hawing machines, bat- <br /> t)ahots Thus in a 1.a r i e,,r city h a numbez( of e- <br /> P <br /> I ',b e 'u-ed io -cuo,"ing errois are T.,nimize <br /> S., t;-i L a t f2 C 1c) J d when a separate <br /> Li re 5uo eCLed <br /> 2�0,1 Ton <br /> Z! S "it!e <br /> a <br /> r <br /> a C general 0on ard usually Rork through <br /> Fo.- Odd-Year Elections uc 0, Lhe nigh: to complete z6helt task The <br /> 'arigu i Ine ccunt;ng cod c' <br /> inues the. greater che pas~ <br /> CL <br /> dle Oc:..d-.v art. kkely to y ors; Thus the added burden or'count- <br /> better informed a-i C-ttly candida-tts and issues. .,no the city ballots (which would probably be <br /> Y,�0 <br /> e a� 1,io:e o r -fungi;-pa, c an,,'i d counted fas <br /> 'mates an uld appiec,'ably mcfease the <br /> -.-Iect,,ons C_; <br /> 155 5 1-i 4�1 5 S_ r. 51 assured chances fat c, or. At, a separate city Mection, coun- <br /> il t_d <br /> �n be c;)mv cied in a (elatively shot ti <br /> mu _tag S, r CA e, cc C 0 n e C 0 ;`u Ime <br /> t -.tnd e'ore judares become ex- <br /> _ aftAr e polls Close <br /> 0 T1 rnj e S ar", �Iues,� Cl <br /> i a 'Opponen-s point out, howe <br /> 4 <br /> I Ver, <br /> "im,�M OT 2, Spec al countin� board <br /> o <br /> -lien <br /> to Cu n-111()! <br />