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10/7/2011 12:33:10 PM
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10/7/2011 11:52:46 AM
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,r to r.hiS problem. Furt�errnor e, where the num- ton to the area€ iot go back to the Cven year, <br /> be: or voiefs is small as in many scatucory cities, it 61 has prevtous1%. charzoed to the odd-year plane <br /> Cbunong is n or s o time-co umin F decision mu <br /> it oe race at a c egular m e e t i n g <br /> p{for to Seotcrnbe, I The :.hangc IMUSt be made by <br /> 5 l A m--n ist rat ion of zhe permanent registrarion ordinance rather than by mere resolution. No rote <br /> system may be somewhat easier when a separare is necessary and no petit ion can force one. <br /> ,C �Y election is held. Under the starewtde permanent <br /> f <br /> 91st ,t 0r-W 5 5 1 voters are permitted to egi t t It {s noE necessary to adopr new ordinance <br /> aL ;he polls wher, they are not already registered. each year; the year chosen in the ordinance contin- <br /> r� the e.x tent tlrtat thIS retstratjon is accomplished ues in effect until changed by dnother ordinance. <br /> a{ :he odd-,tear city election, the task is lfghtentd If the election date -s changed, the city clerk must <br /> at the state general election, when a much larger grve wr itten notice of the change to the county au- <br /> turnout rnaKes registration at the polls more time- d itor and secretary of state; presumably the change <br /> consurning and difficult. Furthermore, under the is nor effective until NS nonce is given. <br /> reptration law, a voter does not lose h(s registra- <br /> tion unless he fa to vote at any election in four 4 change in the year of election from even Lo <br /> successive years. At any city election in the odd odd (or vice ve(sa) wdi result in p o s t p o n t n g the <br /> year there may be d f rw-though never ve(y next elective for a year; thus, incumbents w iij have <br /> many-who have failed tO vote at the pre�ious state been elected for terms exptrin$ in January toy#ow- <br /> and prey dent,dl elections; thus there is awided for 'ng the November in w i h no election is held. <br /> both there anj she regl5tratton officials the need When a change in the elecrion date; is made and the <br /> f Or ne%v registraucins ,fit county or municipal offices city does not provrde otherwISO by ordinance, each <br /> o� t ;� p o I I s. ;o ponen[5 argue teat this tr+4 dl Lerm is extended for a year and successors well be <br /> since the number of voters who go to the polls for chosen at the next election for the usual term-four <br /> municipal elections and not for state and ,national years for councilmen with no more than rwo to be <br /> elections is very small.) elected at each election and two years for mayor <br /> (except in any city which has provided a four-year <br /> (6) Going co the polls once a year is likely to 5ti• mayor's term by (oca4 action under MS. 205.20 or <br /> rt.t!(ate voter inrerest in public affairs more than a 412.022). If the City :s on the standard plan and <br /> consolidated election p l a n under %V�IjCh the vorer has both a ;lerk and a treaSver� It W1 11 continue to <br /> Mtoly cast his vote for general government candidates elect one ai each biennia! eJect}on. Instead of fol- <br /> C. l y once every two years. A yearly reminder of lowing th i5 pattern, the o ncll may adopt an ordi- <br /> ihe privilege and responsipill[+es of the vote may be nance regulating initial elections, officers to be <br /> healthy in a democracy. On the of h e( hand, the ab- chosen at rhose elections, and shortening or length- <br /> sence of any general election in the. odd-numbered %n, g terms of incurnben is and those so elected so <br /> ye,arS relay ericour~age apathy. O`here is a separate as to conform as soon as possible with the schedule <br /> school election in most election d�strjr(S *705.07.), but eau- set out above. (M.S. ��.��.} This provision was <br /> nation is 3 sp4Cial f unct loin.) intended primarily to avoid the need for excessive- <br /> ly long terms in some Instances when a change in <br /> Procedure to Change Election Date in Statutory the election year was made during the years immedi- <br /> ately following the commencement of the biennial <br /> election System. It is nor likely to be Utilized in <br /> ±I after wc.Fhing all the arguments, the council other s;tuation5 <br /> lo <br /> .� r <br />
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