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INFORMATION SERVICE <br /> Of <br /> League of Minnesota Cities <br /> 480 Cedar Street, Stint Paul, Minnesaca 55101 <br /> *180k <br /> Ordinance switching from odd- to even-year elections <br /> ov emb er 18, 1,963 <br /> Nancy S i r o 1.s <br /> City Clerk-Treasurer <br /> 3161 Maple Grove Rd. <br /> Hermantown, MN 55$11. <br /> Dear ME;. Sirols: <br /> In response co your request of Nov. 17, I am enclosing you a copy of the <br /> 24C inemo "November City Elections-Odd or Even Years," 180x..3, and a copy <br /> of M.S. 205.07. While the memo does contain a model ordinance, that <br /> ordinance would need to be adopted considerably for use in your <br /> situation, where you are switching from odd to even year el ect.ious_ The <br /> following form might be more useable, <br /> "The City Council of Hermantown �� .nnesota ordains: <br /> Section 1 . Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 205.07, commencing <br /> with the 1986 city elett.jon, the regular city election of <br /> Hermantown shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first <br /> Monday of each even numbered year. No city electior, shall b e lie ld <br /> iii 1984 or 1985. <br /> Section 2 The tern o' each incumbent elected officer of the <br /> city is extended for one year, I r. accordance with My-ineso t a <br /> statutes 205.07. <br /> Sec,w-ion 3, Ordinance So. e c tabii hinp odd- ear riffl <br /> el ecr�._��r�s, �.s repealed. '� <br /> No to that the county auditor and the secretary of state must be informed <br /> of a charge in the date of the municipal, election, <br /> hlrhough the statute is not entirely clear, M.S. 205.07 would aopar ntly <br /> �.5o permit the council to accomplish the transition by shortening <br /> rather r-han lengthening incumbents' terms. In that case, an election <br /> wcul h e held irl 19,34 , That approach night be desirable if there were <br /> political objections to F-he council adopting an ordinance that results <br /> in each council member holding off ice a gear longe-r than the voters <br />