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MAR-01--k-20002 .�3:08 LEAGUE OF ���� �i T t ES P.09/11/ I - _�D k /_L)/ /L-4, /U 3 <br /> P/_O", E <br /> /16�- <br /> WE <br /> CHAPTER <br /> K. Conduct in and near polling places <br /> Only the following individuals may be in a polling'place, <br /> Election judges. <br /> 0 Sergeants at arms. <br /> # Peace officers. <br /> Official challengers. <br /> Voters who are about to Vote. <br /> Individuals registering to vote. <br /> Individuals assi$ti n�voters who are physically disabled or unable to <br /> speak English may be in the state polling place while assisting such <br /> voters. <br /> Representatives of the secretary of state's office, The county auditor's <br /> offict,and the city clerk's office may also be in the polling place to <br /> observe procedures. <br /> The following limitations also apply: <br /> 0 No individual may linger within 100 feet of the entrance to the polling <br /> }lice. <br /> No campaigning is allowed in or within 100 feet of where voting takes <br /> place at the precinct polling place. Except for those about to vote, no one <br /> may approach within Six feet of a voting booth without specific <br /> permission from the judges <br /> It is a misdemeanor to bring any malt or intoxicating liquors into any <br /> polling place on election day. This rule applies to election officials as well <br /> as to voters. <br /> A!JrAn stlir 06..,ib4i. ?1 sergeants at arms and peace officers may remain in a polling place only <br /> L <br /> when tht judges order it and only for as long as the judges determine <br /> necessary. <br /> L, Day and time of 614y elections <br /> Under the state law, the date for the city general election in cities is the first <br /> '` Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each even-numbered year.A <br /> city may, howcvcr, by ordinance, elect to hold the election on the first <br /> Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each odd-numbered year. A <br /> city may hold elections in either the even-nu mba�=d year or the odd-numbered <br /> year, but nor both. <br /> Whenever the time of the municipal election is changed, the council must <br /> pass an ordinance to that effect before June l of the year in which the change <br /> is to take effect. The city clerk must immediately notify the county auditor <br /> and the secretary of stare, in writing, of the chancre. The new election dare <br /> continues until the council repeals the ordinance. <br />