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r w VAR VP dew +W w r <br /> March 11.2002 <br /> TO: Carolyn Curte <br /> Mere is a brief list of pro and con for school board elections. I thought we had a more extensive <br /> document but I am unable to locate it. <br /> Even Year <br /> -running with candidates for federal, state, county and, in some cases, city elections <br /> -provide a higher number of voters - can blunt impact of special interest voters <br /> -school board position is next to last on ballot so may have some drop off in voters <br /> -probably not able to canvass night of election <br /> -counties and cities responsible for hiring election judges <br /> -counties and cities responsible for training election officials <br /> -costs * district is required to pay a share of the election costs to city, county <br /> -unknown is amount of money candidates may need to spend to get name and message <br /> out to the voters when competing with state and national elections. <br /> Odd Year <br /> -elections continue in much the same manner as previous <br /> -should have results the Same night allowing for canvass <br /> -all costs are borne by the school district <br /> -all election duties will be completed by district staff <br /> -most likely a smaller voter turnout. <br /> -does allow for media and public to focus on education issues and candidates for the <br /> school board <br /> -allows candidates to run for another office without having to resign board position <br /> -less costly to campaign <br /> TOTAL P.01 <br />