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Arona Site Request for Proposal Interviews <br /> Scoring Criteria Definitions <br /> City of Roseville <br /> August 2002 <br /> 1. Affordability There are many definitions and ranges of affordability but primarily <br /> they are related to income and what a homeowner can pay for a home. An <br /> affordable home defined by Metropolitan Council is a home with a sales price at or <br /> below $161,000. Ramsey County affordability limit is $160,000. The price limit to <br /> access Minnesota Housing Finance Agency funds is $175,591. As a general rule for <br /> affordable housing agencies, a home is affordable if the mortgage payment is no <br /> more than 30 percent of a homeowner's monthly income. <br /> 2. Quality Design Buildings — The proposal called for a variety of housing types with <br /> quality design. In addition, proposals were encouraged to include designs that <br /> would reduce front garages and increase the street appeal from the open space and <br /> the existing neighborhood. This is a goal to encourage "eyes on the street" and <br /> interaction between neighbors with porches and small front yards. <br /> 3. Quality Design Site -a A quality designed site is one that considers how the roads <br /> and buildings are situated on the site. This includes street appeal, traffic flow, sight <br /> lines and accessibility to public spaces. <br /> 4. Open Space & Public Amenities_ The RFP required that the proposal include the <br /> following: "The development must provide for sufficient neighborhood public open <br /> space to serve as an amenity to the new and existing households in the area. <br /> Favorable consideration will be given to the incorporation of public space that would <br /> serve as a public meeting facility and/or small senior center. In addition, <br /> development proposals must incorporate improvement of a 2.8 acre DNR protected <br /> wetland to serve as an amenity to the community and retain or expand storm water <br /> drainage capacity for the new development. In addition, the extension of Terrace <br /> Drive from I Iamline Avenue running west to the site will be required. " <br /> 5. Connectivity to Neighborhood — Connectivity through the use of sidewalks, <br /> pathways and streets is encouraged throughout the development, around the pond <br /> and to the adjacent neighborhoods so that the site and public spaces are easily <br /> accessible and inviting to new and existing residents and employees. <br /> 6. Senior Housing a Senior housing includes housing types that are designated <br /> specifically for seniors and could include owner and rental, independent and assisted <br /> living arrangements. Other types of housing may not be designated as senior but by <br /> the nature of the design may be more attractive to the empty nester and older <br /> resident such as one level living. <br />