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2) Combine the aria f v O and �w O and form a new watershed district. <br /> new board, initially appointed by Bw R and then by Ramsey County, would need to <br /> hire a staff or contract for services with some existing agency. To date, Ramsey County <br /> Public works Ramsey County water and Soil Conservation District, and RVVMWD have <br /> expressed an interest in providing a.dninistrative and technical support. Landuses in this <br /> combined watershed are generally urban. <br /> It is my opinion that the second option'is in Roseville's best interest. The CRWMO and <br /> WRWMO are distinctl y different from RV5AWD with regard to tax capacity, general <br /> topography and development. If our watershed were combined with , it 'is likely that <br /> � <br /> tames g enerated from our relatively urban area would subsidize water resource solutions in more <br /> suburban watersheds and that we would have less direct control over watershed district activities. <br /> Please schedule a discussion of this issue for the March 16, 1998 City Council Worksession <br /> Meeting. If we are able to agree on the best option for Roseville, I will ask the Council to <br /> approve a resolution stating the City's position on March 3,l 998. <br />