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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL DISCUSSION/DIRECTION <br /> DATE: 3116198 <br /> ITEM N4: <br /> J,Department Approval: Manager Approval: Agenda Section: <br /> thA <br /> item Description: PROGRESS ON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT <br /> REORGANIZATION <br /> 1.0 Backaroga-d <br /> In the past 18 months, the Roseville Community Development Department has <br /> welcomed 7 new employees, replacing those who have moved to other cities, the <br /> private sector, or retired. As a department, there are now 13 full time employees, up <br /> from 12 in 1997. <br /> When the department reorganization was approved by the Council, the goals were to <br /> improve department performance in a number of ways: <br /> 1. Create a "one stop permit center" for all permits. <br /> 2. Improve the technical knowledge of technical staff through education and <br /> certification of all inspectors within 2 years. <br /> 3. Improve the quality of the building plan reviews and the supervision of the <br /> inter-departmental plan review process by hiring an experienced, certified <br /> Permits Coordinator. <br /> 4. Improve the customer service counter work, the publications and <br /> handouts, and the advice provided (especially to homeowners). <br /> 5. Improve the nuisance and land use codes enforcement by putting more <br /> full time code enforcement staff effort in this area. <br /> 6. Designate one inspection position to work specifically with new housing, <br /> housing renovation, housing incentive and code programs. <br /> In the Code Enforcement and Building Inspection Division the following charges <br /> occurred: <br /> 1. the Permits Coordinator replaced the Chief Code Enforcement Officer; <br /> A <br />