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o Minn. Dept. of Tourism brochures(61 / )-have used and plan to expand use. <br /> *Consider target marketing to other communities(6/5/95)-have done on a limited basis through <br /> IRA, exploring ways to expand on a cost effective method. <br /> ompkted <br /> Test major media advertising.(and 6/5195) <br /> "omyleted <br /> Free pass given by retailers for every new pair of skates purchased. <br /> Completed <br /> Coupons at State Fair(6/5/95).,worldng with Amateur Sports Commission Note: State Fair as <br /> restrictions on what you can do unless you purchase an expensive vendors space. research renting <br /> City booth at Fai8/ /95) <br /> e Check with l ollerblade about joint booth at Fair(8/ 3195) <br /> Contract cancelled <br /> letter communication of events using all tools possible i.e. skating associations, council -.,.media <br /> etc.(8/23/95) <br /> Cooperate with State Fair, park at OVAL and skate and attend Fair(6/5195)-will discuss with State <br /> Fair for 19 -Determined not possible <br /> Consider full time public relations person(6/5/95)-referred to Administration for consideration. <br /> Have reorganized Parks and Recreation Dept. with a marketing position for Skating Center. <br /> Public/private cooperation on area marketing(similar to Eagan) (6/5/95)- City-Administration <br /> researching possibilities. <br /> Market the OVAL as a dry land training facility for youth hockey teams, speedskating etc. (6/5/95)- <br /> mailed letters to Roseville, Moundsview and White Bear youth hockey teams, developed i nil ine ' <br /> hockey camp with U of M players, Midway Speedskating trains regularly on inline skates at OVAL <br /> and hosted national junior speed sk ati ng team dry land training at OVAL, i l l attempt to expand. in <br /> 1997 developed youth hockey league. <br /> a Run Skating Center calendar on CATV Channel 16 and 33, Consider other CATV systems. Need <br /> personal contact. (6/5195)-use channel 16 extensively, researching use of other channels. Have <br /> used Channel 15 shores as well. Regularly send info to Channel 15 news show. <br /> a Run video tape of special events on cable as adverti sing(813 195)Do Regularly <br /> Fake bids on specials sponsorship s(6/5/95)-attempting to expand Firstar Eve model to other events <br /> Develop brochure for OVAL explaining activities and reasons for using facility(6151 5)-brochure <br /> for skating center being worked on nth a January goal for publishing, will be printed in house to <br /> save costs Completed <br /> Establishing focus groups such as an advisory committee for the operation of the Skating Center. <br /> Established <br /> Continue product and service training for all staff, ongoing. Next session with City consultant at <br /> end of March. <br /> Develop an unproved first line training program for all staff. Ongoing <br /> Evaluate value added services on a quarterly basis. Established. Department supervisors meet <br /> quarterly to evaluate program services, <br /> Raise standards for uniforms and facility cleanliness. Because of cost constraints, this effort is <br /> being phased in over 3 years. <br /> Deed mature staffyn control in the evenings at Skating Center(6/5195)-will continue to provide the <br /> best possible staff within the budget resources. Hired full, time adult position for ice season, <br /> 3 <br />