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8.2 Park Dedication. Park dedication required in conjunction with plat approval shall be <br /> satisfied by the contribution of cash in lieu of land dedication, as the dedication of <br /> land for park purposes is deemed inappropriate for this development. The payment <br /> in lieu of land shall be $350.00 per unit (in accordance with Section 11 0 .07D of the <br /> City Code), for a total of$10,500. Said payment shall be made prior to the issuance <br /> of building permits for the development. <br /> Subdivision d <br /> 9,0 Site Development Requirements and To ensure that the proposed development meets the CITY'S requirements and standards <br /> for site development, the following provisions shall apply: <br /> 9.1 Final Grading Plan. The final grading plan must to be reviewed and approved by <br /> the Director of Public Works prior to any permits being issued for the protect. The <br /> final grading plan for the development will be approved by the CITY if it is in general <br /> conformity with the approved preliminary grading plan (Exhibit ), and provided that <br /> any applicable provisions set forth herein by the Director of Public forks have all <br /> been satisfied. All grading shall comply with the submitted grading plan and shall <br /> be the responsib,iity of the DEVELOPER. After site grading, the DEVELOPER shall <br /> submit to the CITY a letter from a registered engineer or land surveyor certifying <br /> that the grades as completed are an accurate implementation of the approved <br /> grading plan. Said certification must be submitted prior to the issuance of any <br /> certificate of occupancy for the project. <br /> 92 Final Utility Servicing Plan. The final utility servicing plan will need to be reviewed <br /> and approved by the Director of Public Works prior to any permits being issued for <br /> the project. The final utility servicing plan for the development will be approved by <br /> the CITY if it is in general conformity with the approved preliminary utility servicing <br /> plan (Exhibit D), and provided that any applicable provisions set forth herein by the <br /> Director of Public Works have all been satisfied. <br /> 9.3 Erosion Control, Prior to site grading, and before any utility construction} is <br /> commenced or building permits are issued, an erosion control plan must be <br /> submitted for approval, and all erosion control actions shall be implemented, <br /> inspected and approved by the CITY and/or Rice creep Watershed [district. <br /> 9.4 Clean Up. The DEVELOPER shall clean dirt and debris from streets that has <br /> resulted from construction work by the DEVELOPER, its agents dr assigns. The <br /> CITY will determine whether it is necessary to take additional measures to clean dirt <br /> and debris from the streets. After 24 hours verbal notice to the developer, the c I TY <br /> may complete or contract to complete the clean-up at the DEVELOPER'S expense. <br /> PU D/Subdivision Agreement (Mendota Homes, Inc.)- Page 4 of 10 <br />