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9.5 Street Trees: All new and replacement street trees shall meet the requirements of <br /> the City's Street Tree Faster Plan (Exhibit J), which requires the following varieties <br /> on east-west County roads: Norway Maple, Hackberr t Columnar Norway Maple <br /> (overhead wires- limited space), and Japanese Tree Lilac (overhead wires). Trees <br /> to be planted shall be 212-inch caliper and shall be spaced as required by the City. <br /> 9.6 Storm Water Management The DEVELOPER shall construct pro-treatment storm <br /> water detention ponds on the site as generally shown on the preliminary grading <br /> plan (Exhibit ) and as per CITY and Rice creek Watershed requirements and <br /> permits. The slope of the storm water detention ponds shall not exceed 4H:1 V <br /> above the normal water fevel elevation and shall not exceed 3H:1 V below the water <br /> level. <br /> 9.7 Wefiand Mitigation. The presence of a wetland on the property presents site <br /> development challenges. Rather than filling in the entire wetland and providing <br /> replacement wetlands off-site, the DEVELOPER shall place minimal fill in two <br /> locations and provide replacement wetlands on-site at a two-to-one ratio and in <br /> accordance with the Wetland Mitigation Plan approved by the Rice Creek <br /> Watershed District. <br /> 9.8 Pedestrian Walkway. Pedestrian walkways shall be installed along county Road <br /> C2 in conjunction with site development. Said pedestrian walkway shall be no less <br /> than six feet in width. The DEVELOPER shall also provide pedestrian walkway <br /> connections between the public walkway on County Road C2 and the main <br /> entrance to the building on the site. At the discretion of the Director of Public <br /> Works, a payment in lieu of sidewalk installation may be made to the CITY in an <br /> amount equal to $15 per linear foot. A private walkway shall also be installed <br /> around the wetland if approved by the Rice Creek Watershed District in conjunction <br /> with the Wetland Mitigation Plan and Storrnwater Management Plan. <br /> 9.9 Deferred Assessment A deferred assessment in the amount of$15,616.47 shall <br /> be paid prior to the issuance of any permits for development of the site. This <br /> deferred assessment is from four separate improvement projects, including a 1961 <br /> sanitary sewer project, a 1962 water main project, a 1993 paving project, and a <br /> 1 993 storm sewer project. <br /> 10, PUD Standards/Condiflons of Approval <br /> To insure that the proposed development meets the CRY'S standards for the approval of <br /> a PIED, as set forth in section 1015 of the Roseville city code, the Development shall also <br /> comply with the following specific PDD standards: <br /> PUDlsubdivision Agreement#(Mendota domes, Inc.) - Page 5 of 10 <br />