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January 14, 1998 <br /> Steve Sarkozy <br /> Page <br /> which would replace the CRWMO and assume ownership of the Trout Brook interceptor. <br /> The City of St. Paul is concerned about potential failure of the interceptor and is anxious <br /> to resolve the ownership issue. They have indicated that they would not sign a new. <br /> RWMO joint powers agreement unless the Trout Brook interceptor reconveyance issue <br /> is resolved. A copy of an earlier memo outlining the Trout Brook interceptor issue is <br /> attached. <br /> 3) Lake Como water Quality_ <br /> Over the past year, the St. Paul District Council 10 Environmental Committee has <br /> attempted to improve water quality in Lake Como. They have been frustrated by St. <br /> Paul's lack of cooperation and feel that the CRWMO should force improvements. They <br /> have indicated that they will petition BWSR to form a watershed district to replace the <br /> RWMO with the hope that more attention would be placed on Lake Como, If <br /> petitioned, Bev has the power to force the formation of a watershed district. <br /> The question before the City currently is whether we support the formation of a watershed <br /> district or wish the existing CRWMO to survive. A brief discussion of each option follows: <br /> 1) Support Watershed District <br /> A watershed district is a separate unit of government managed by a board of <br /> commissioners appointed by the county board. Typically, watertshed districts are funded <br /> by a separate tax levy and require full time staff'support. while watershed districts are <br /> considerably more expensive to operate,they tend to be more active. Being a separate <br /> unit of government,the formation of a watershed district would complicate water <br /> resources planning and permitting. It may be possible to annex the CMO to are <br /> existing watershed district. In most cases, a watershed district is more expensive to <br /> operate than a comparably active WMO. <br /> 2 Op o se Formation of a watershed District <br /> This option would require that the existing joint powers agreement be revised to give the <br /> RWMO board more autonomy. Based on St. Paul's position, it would also rewire that <br /> the Trout Brook reconveyance issue also be resolved. In order to survive, the CRWMO <br /> would likely need to increase its activity thus increasing costs slightly. However, the <br /> l WMO would be able to complete projects more efficiently than a watershed district. <br /> Please schedule time on the next Roseville City Council worksession-to discuss these issues. <br /> The Central Ramsey water management organization board meets on February 2 to discuss its <br /> future and a clew'Roseville position would be helpful. <br /> attachments <br /> KJm <br />