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Page 2 <br /> County Road C pathway <br /> 10/11/93 <br /> opportunity for comments to be made, and the continued hearing on <br /> October 11 provides an opportunity for responses to be made. According <br /> to federal policies, the action of the council should be to report on <br /> the comments based on public testimony and order the prof ect. <br /> Financial implications: It was mentioned earlier that federal funding <br /> for this project has been received by the Metropolitan Council. Federal <br /> funds are available for the project in a maximum amount of $458,000. <br /> Matching city funds representing 20% of the total project budget in the <br /> amount of $114,500 are required. The 20 city match and any additional <br /> costs for extra pathway considered for installation wi 1 l come from the <br /> city pathway fund4 <br /> of the city match for the original grant of $114,500, approximately one <br /> to two years of additional city pathway funding would be required. If <br /> the extra segments on the second side of County Road C and the second <br /> side of Fair i6w Avenue are added and concrete material used to replace <br /> the original planned bituminous paving, then additional financing will <br /> be required for the pathways. These will come from future annual <br /> appropriations of the pathway fund or other sources later identified. <br /> Staff recommendation: Staff believes the social, economic, and <br /> environmental concerns addressed by the residents have been adequately <br /> addressed by the consultant* Also, the consultant has met with many <br /> property owners to discuss specific, individual concerns. <br /> After review of alb. .the alternatives cons idered o staff wakes the <br /> following recommendations <br /> i. The federally funded pathway location be shifted to the north side <br /> of County Road C from Rice Street to Victoria Street* <br /> 2 . A pathway also be ordered on the south side of County Road C from <br /> Dice Street to Fisk using the city standard of a 4 Moot boulevard <br /> and 5�f o of path. <br /> 3* The federally funded pathway on Fairview Avenue be moved to the <br /> west side from County Road C to oakcrest or County Road B-2. <br /> 4* A pathway also be ordered on the east side of Fairview Avenue at <br /> approximately the present location incorporating, where practical, <br /> the city minimum standard of 4�foot boulevard and 5�foot path. <br /> 5. All 5�foot walks be constructed of concrete in accordance with city <br /> policy and past practices <br /> 6e All 8-foot walks be constructed of bituminous in accordance with <br /> the approved grant submittal unless additional funding is <br /> provided for concretes <br />