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13 September 1993 <br /> - Mayor Vern Johnson & <br /> City Council Members <br /> Subject: sister City Relationship with Cartago, Costa Rica <br /> Summary: Cartago has agreed to be a Roseville Sister City <br /> You are invited to attend the Costa Rican Independence Day celebration <br /> on Saturday, Sept% 18th, at the Ordway <br /> Fast fall, I had discussions With Tony Anderson (the honorary Costa Rican <br /> Consulate in Minnesota) and Lupita Barahona (the Consulate secretary and a <br /> native of Cartago, Costa Rica) , I asked them whether or not there might be one <br /> or more cities in Costa Rica that might be interested in establishing an on-- <br /> going relationsh'p with Roseville. They both suggested that Cartago (which is <br /> about the same size as Roseville) would be an excellent city to approach. <br /> In February of 1993, through the Roseville Sister City committee, and by wary of <br /> the Costa Rican Consulate, we sent them a brochure describing Roseville, a <br /> letter from myself, and a letter from the Mayor. I received a verbal response <br /> back via the costa Rican Consulate that indeed they were interested in <br /> establishing a relationship and that a letter stating this would be <br /> forthcoming. This was in March of 1993. Since then, I had many conversations <br /> with the consulate which always reconfirmed the interest of Cartago in <br /> establishing a relationship, but no latter arrived until the enclosed, which we <br /> received in late- August. <br /> Friday, Sept* loth, I met with the consulate. The apparent reason for the <br /> delay in receiving a written reply was a change in city government. There is a <br /> new mayor in Cartago, a Mrs. Maritza Solano, (the old mayor is running for <br /> national office) , and there is now a new person in charge of external <br /> relations, a Mr. Saba Nicolas Abbi M. , who is president of the chamber of <br /> commerce. <br /> Establishin g a sister city relationship normal.y takes a long time with many <br /> letters back and forth. I had expected to receive a letter stating that they <br /> would like to explore the matter further. what we received, as you can see in <br /> the enclosed, is -a certification that on August 17th the City Council of <br /> Cartago, Costa. Rica officially declared their desire to become a sister city <br /> with Roseville, Minnesota, <br /> I do not ]snow what you ]snow of Cartago, or of Costa Rica in 4eneral. However, <br /> I can assure you that both are beautiful. For the last tree winters I have <br /> lead Boy scout trips to Costa Rica, and each time have stayed a little longer <br /> to see more of the country. <br /> Costa Rica is a peaceful, democratic country without an army, It has some of <br /> the most beautiful Caribbean and Pacific beaches in the world. Its government <br /> is recognized for its forward enviro e_nta 1 thinking, and its rain forests and <br /> cloud forests are world renowned for their diversity of species. (There are <br /> more species of birds in Costa Rica than all of North 'America combined. ) The <br /> people are also some of the most friendly that I have ever met throughout the <br /> world. <br /> .jurin g my trips to Costa Rica I have twice had the opportunity to visit <br /> p � about <br /> Cartago, which is a provincial capital located in the Central Valle <br /> from San Jose, the national capital. The most prominent feature of the town is <br />