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Patricia Curtissl Case Now 2507 Page 2 <br />largely because there was misunderstanding about the nature of the <br />request. We asked-- Mrs. Curtiss to talk with her neighbors to <br />clearly explain her request* Mrs* Curtissf operation will <br />certainly not be a commercial or business use in the normal sense <br />of the word e With one operator and one customer at a time by <br />appointment, the chi sru ticn to the neighborhood will be barely <br />noticeable. It 's not an encroachment of typical commercial <br />activity into the neighborhood and it is definitely not a <br />re oning a She will be , fo l lowing the minimum standards for such <br />operations in the Rml bistrict which were set forth precisely to <br />prevent the ]rind of disruption the neighbors are fearful of. <br />Related to one of the petition requests (no signage of any kind) <br />a small sign may actually reduce activity in the neighborhood <br />associated Frith Mrsurtiss� operation, since customers will <br />clearly ]snow where they are to go and not have to drive around <br />looking for a house number. <br />3. CONCLUSION & RECQMMENDAT ON <br />We recommends approval of the request with the clear understanding <br />that the applicant abide by the Code standards noted; <br />