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i <br />College Propertiest Case o* 2491 <br />La dscanina <br />Page S <br />The landscape p lain is well done in terms of overall enhancement of <br />the s ite r the entry off Snelling, - the future roadway boulevard <br />and in the mixture of plant materials proposed* A key issue is the. <br />treatment of the west edges of the bu.i ld ings where they meet the <br />ditch and adJ scent neighbors. we have worked with the applicant <br />and their architects and landscape architect in numerous meetings <br />to arrive at a reasonable plan for this area. overall, we believe <br />the plan is reasonable. with a few additional areas needing <br />attention* <br />There is a considerable amount of existing vegetation on the slope <br />down to the ditch on the Paul's Place side, especially at the <br />south end of the site. Most of this will be removed to make room <br />for the south wing of the seven story building and the holding <br />pond to' the south. A few significant stands of large trees will be <br />preserved, and additional trees and shrubs will be added. No <br />existing vegetation on the neighbors" side of, the the ditch will <br />i <br />be removed for this project. In fact, the plan proposes adding <br />landscaping in the neighbors' yards. We understand the applicant <br />has met with each of these neighbors to discuss the specific <br />screening plan in each yard. <br />Based on the architects,' sketches and the landscape architect "s <br />plans we believe the attempt to screen and beautify the project <br />from the ne ighbors f side has been _ gu ite successful. o amount o f <br />landscaping can entirely screen a seven -story building* but we <br />believe the proposed plan is reasonable. The building edge has <br />been terraced back in several steps to reduce its immedi ate impact <br />and the foundation has been screened with landscaping. perspective <br />sketch A, iew From Southvest� illustrates this. - <br />The closest edge of the South Campus project to the neighbors is <br />not the seven -story Independent Living building but the <br />three� story Assisted Living buildings a corner of which is about <br />1 2 5 1 from the nearest ne ighbor ' s hous a arcs s the d itch . - This i s <br />- shown on the left side of sketch , which is a view from the <br />northeast9 - Again, two stands of large existing trees have been <br />retained, but the foundation and outdoor spaces at the back of <br />this building (actually four stories on the back, side) do not <br />appear to be screened much at a l 1 a We would suggest add iti ona l <br />landscaping in this. arreag at the very least to dive a sense of <br />enclosure and security for the elderly residents, and further to <br />provide a softened view from the neighbors' aide. <br />Another detail of the landscape plan is the evergreen screening <br />ropos ed on - the west s ide of the student housing building as it <br />abuts proposed South ampus Drive with only a 4f setback. The <br />building is existing and the alignment of the new road makes sense <br />opposite the a isting entry into the campus north of Lydia: The <br />