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College Properties# Case Now 2491 Page 4 <br />building height greater than the maximums envisioned in the M�3 <br />District* <br />The senior housing uses proposed in the South campUs project will <br />fill -a recognized need in the community which has been confirmed <br />net only by the City "s hoUsing study a few years ago, but also by <br />a more detailed assessment of the market by Maxfield Research <br />p <br />Grou specifically for this project. Their study concludes that there is a significant demand -for the types of housing proposed <br />and that the location is excellent as well* <br />The new frontage road connecting Lydia Avenue with Counter Road C-2 <br />(called South Campus Drive on the plan) is an extension of Lincoln <br />Drive. A portion of the Snelling Avenue r ight�o f -wa r devoted to <br />the existing frontage road has been turned back over,to the City <br />and will become part of these private parcels with the dedication <br />of the South Campus Drive right -of -way. The exact design. of the <br />intersection of Lincoln and C_2 has not 'been finalized, nor its <br />specific, effect on the Benj amin is parcel or on the businesses <br />south of C -2. The new motel and future college building are <br />located toward Snelling Avenue from the new frontage read. <br />The internal arrangement and functioning of the uses in the PUD <br />works well, but one of the key questions to be addressed in <br />approving the PUD is the impact on the adjacent neighborhood to <br />the west, next to the ditch. The physical scale of the new <br />buildings is Bauch greater than the existing Paull's Placei, but the <br />re and intensity of the uses is much less. Whether this is a► <br />Hato <br />reasonable trade -off or not is the question to be answered in.the <br />Tannin g Commission's recommendation. <br />one impact of tall buildin's will be potential shadows. The <br />buildings are located generally east of the existing neighbors, so <br />any blocking of sunlight will be in the morning only. our rough <br />estimate of solar angles at various times of the year indicates <br />that at 5:00 a.m. in the dead of winter some of the neighbors" <br />homes will be in the shadow'of the seven -story ]wilding. By 9:00 <br />a.m. the shadows will be in their back yards,, but probably not <br />affectin g the houses. At 'all other times of the year the sun is <br />higher in the sky In spring, summer and fall even the tallest <br />part of the building will not cast a shadow on the houses any time <br />after 89000 in the morning. _ <br />The South Campus project proposes -four of the six buildings to be <br />built in the first phase (one of these is existing) this season. <br />The other two buildings are slated for development within two to <br />five years. Withoilt detailed plans for these buildings we need to <br />be clear about what is being approved in the PUD and what <br />the <br />criteria are for the actual development of these buildings. <br />