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College Properties # case Noe 2491 Page 7 <br />signage <br />Specific signage has not been proposed. <br />Screening <br />Apart from the comments on the landscape plan above, there ' is a <br />loading area on the north side of the Assisted Living building <br />which needs more screening. We would suggest a roar of tall <br />evergreens to provide a significant , screen to the one-story senior <br />housing building as well as to the parking lot and Lydia Avenue. <br />.Trash Handling <br />Trash handling will be entirely within the new buildings. We do <br />not know how trash is currently handled f or the ex i st ing apartment <br />building that is to be donverted to student housing, We would want <br />the dumpster for this building to be within the building or in an <br />enclosed structure of similar materials. Another possible <br />s o lut ion is a trash handling room serving both the student housing <br />and the future college building, which could be built into the new <br />building. <br />' Engineering Conk ' erations <br />The extension of Lincoln Drive between Lydia and County Road C-2 <br />is an important part of the overall site plan for this project and <br />mast be coordinated with thb South Campus development. The <br />construction of the roadway on the South Carpus property will <br />happen as part of the first phase, but the extension to the south <br />past Benjamin "s to � is still being studied. The City has <br />received a preliminary feasibility study from SEK (transportation <br />consultants) on the design of the roadway work to the south of <br />this prof ect. This study should have been reviewed by the City <br />Council at their April 12 meeting prior to the Manning Commission <br />meeting. The Public Works staff can update the Commission on the <br />progress of that study at the meeting. The design of the <br />intersection of Lincoln Avenue extens ion at Lydia a l,s o needs to be <br />finalized in terms of the width of the roadway, the length of left <br />turn lane stacking and other details. <br />A 2011iwide transit casement will be dedicated along the eastern <br />edge of the property adjacent to Snelling Avenue. This has been <br />requested by Ramsey county for possible future light rail transit <br />use and is consistent with what has.been required of other recent <br />plat requests along the west side of Snelling Avenue. Parking for <br />the motel is shown within 51 of this easement,, instead of the 1 5 F <br />normally required as a setback to rights�of -way. We believe-,this <br />setback is reasonable, <br />