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a <br />:ENE PUEPBSIF OF THIE 3133CER CITIES PRIMfiRAIMI <br />Sister Cities International <br />The general concept of the Sis#c C I t I es program I s tar a community of one <br />nation to be affiliated with a community of another nation in order to learn <br />more about the other through friendly and meaningful exchanges. This <br />Interchange helps to further intemational understanding at all levels at the <br />community an a continuing long -term basis. WIthin the Sister Cities <br />program the' communities have the opportunity to exchange Ideas., people and <br />Culture In a variety, of educational lnstltutional,, municipal, professional, <br />and technical projects. <br />These projects depend upon the interest and participation of each <br />community. Interest in the cultural, economic, social and educational fields <br />varies with each community. The exchanges could include any of the <br />following: <br />1. City ofTictals, teachers, professionals, <br />2, Organized tours, <br />3. Club(hobby) affiIiatlans, <br />4 Letter writing, <br />_ 5. Student exchanges, <br />6. Technica) and professional idea exchanges, <br />7. Economic, <br />8. Exhibits (Art, photo, etc.), <br />9. Exchange of holiday customs and food recipes <br />to name a dew possibilities. <br />-2- JMIF XHIE Z 91 C' IMMOM <br />(from the Sister Cities International brochure) <br />. m PURPOSE: <br />Sister Cities International (principal program of the Town Affiliation Association of the U.S., Inc,) is dedicated to the <br />goal of furthering global understanding by encouraging and assisting U.S. communities and their citizens to link with <br />similar communities throughout the world. <br />An affiliation develops when an American community of whatever size or character officially links with a community in <br />another nation. 'Me goal for the cornrnunities involved is to learn more about each other and to develop lasting and <br />meaningful exchanges. The ideal affiliation involves a large number of citizens and organizations' in both communities <br />engaging in exchanges of people, ideas and cultuires on a long-term. continuing basis. <br />The national association provides a michanism for U.S. communities to enter this program by assisting them in the <br />process of linking with a community in another country. It acts as a coordinator and catalyst to encourage various types <br />of sister cities activities and serves as a clearinghouse to gather, analyze and share information, research and knowledge. <br />HISTORY- <br />Affiliations between cities in the United States and other countries began shortly aft ;r 1945, but no real national focus <br />was realized until 1956 when President Dwight D. Eisenhower lnitiatecf the People -to- People Program at the White <br />House. Out of this grew Sister Cities International which has assisted more than 870 U.S. cities and counties, <br />representing over 125 million Americans, establish links with some _1,400 communities in 92 other rations of the world. <br />
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