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1993 STANDING RULES of PROCEDURE <br />RULE 1. Regular Meetings. <br />Regular meetings of the Council shall be held at the City <br />Hall on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7:30 <br />p.m. Regular work sessions of the Council shall be held <br />on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 #30 a.m., and on the <br />third Monday of each month at 5 *00 p.m. Such meetings may be <br />rescheduled, from time to time, when scheduling conflicts <br />occur. <br />RULE 2. Special eet i n s and W f on s. <br />Special Meetings and Work Sessions, including Executive <br />Sessions with legal counsel to' discuss pending litigation, <br />must be called at the request of at lust three (3) members <br />of the Council, or the Mayor, or the City Manager* only <br />those items specifically agreed upon in advance shall be <br />considered. At least twenty -four hours advance notice must <br />be given to all members of the Council prior to the holding <br />of said Special Meetings and Work sessions, and such notice <br />shall also be posted on the City Hall Bulletin Board at .least <br />twenty -four hours in advance of the Special Meeting. <br />RULE 3. Emergency Meet . <br />Emergency meetings may be called at any time, providing all <br />members of the Council sign waivers of notice prior to the <br />holding of such emergency meeting. <br />RULE 4 uorum, <br />Three (3) members of the Council shall d ons t i tute a quorum. <br />RULE 5,o Minutes, <br />As soon as a quorum is present, minutes of the previous <br />meeting shall be approved as presented or accepted after <br />corrections have been made. <br />RULE 6 , Motions. <br />Any motion, by any member, shall be reduced to writing upon <br />request of any member. No motion shall be put to vote until <br />it has been stated by the recorder at the request of any <br />member of the Council. <br />RULE 7 M_ mites of Motions. <br />After a motion shall be stated by the recorder, it shall be <br />in possession of the Council, but it may be withdrawn at any <br />time by the Council Member presenting the motion before being <br />amended or acted upon. All motions and amendments thereto <br />shall be entered upon the minutes and the vote thereon, <br />whether they be adopted or rejected. <br />RULE 8 . Pet it i on s Me�nor i al s, etc, <br />Petitions, memorials, and other papers addressed to the <br />Council shall be presented by the presiding officer or by a <br />member in his /her place, or may be read by the recorder at <br />the request of a member of the . pres i d ing officer. All pet i- <br />tions, memorials, and other communications which may be filed <br />with, or delivered to the - Manager prior to the meeting of the <br />Council shall be brought before the Council by the Manager. <br />