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Page three <br />We would be happy to discuss this in more detail if any council <br />parson desires. The City of Roseville probably does have a valid <br />claim against the MFRS in the event that there is some violation <br />of the Minnesota Human Rights Act by its conduct, however at this <br />point it doesn't appear that it Would be wise to bring such a <br />claim. The reason for that is that all costs incurred by the <br />MP RS are in turn billed back to the 36 member municipalities* <br />We will continue to monitor this lawsuit. <br />Very truly ours <br />I <br />PETERSON, HELL, COVE' SE J <br />• r � rf <br />• f <br />r 'r <br />r •+ r , <br />.45 <br />%6b <br />/ap <br />cc: Steve Sarkozy <br />