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A REE14ENT BETWEEN <br />METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION <br />AND <br />CITY of ROSEVILLE <br />WITH RESPECT TO CONSTRUCTION of <br />J10HN ROSE MINNESOTA OVAL SPEEUSI{ATING FACILITY <br />WHEREAS, the City of.Roseville a municipal corporation <br />under the laws of the State of Minnesota, intends to vacate <br />Fernwood Avenue from County Road C to woodhill Drive in order to <br />construct the John Rome Minnesota oval Speedskating Facility; and <br />WHEREAS, the Metropolitan waste Control Coimission, a duly <br />constituted metropolitan commission organized pursuant to <br />Minnesota Lags 1975, Chapter I3 , Minn . Statutes S 4 7 3.5 0 3 owns <br />and operates a 4211 metropolitan interceptor sewer within the <br />portion of Fernwood Avenue that is to be vacated; and <br />WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission has <br />requested the City of Roseville to reserve to the Metropolitan <br />Waste Control Commission a permanent easement for sanitary sewer <br />purposes overt under and across that part of Fernwood Avenue <br />proposed to be vacated; and <br />■ <br />WHERE S, the Metropolitan waste Control Commission does not <br />object to the vacation of Fernwood Avenue so long as the City of <br />Roseville agrees to the conditions set forth in this Agreement; <br />NCw, THEREFORE, in consideration of one dollar and other <br />mod and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is <br />hereby ackn ow ledged f the Metropolitan waste Control Commission, <br />the City of Roseville, hereby agree as followse <br />1. The Metropolitan waste Control Commission does not <br />object to the vacations <br />20 -The City of Roseville will reserve to the Metropolitan <br />Waste Control commission a permanent easement for sanitary surer <br />purposes over, under and across that part of Fernwood Avenue, <br />i . e . , 'from County Road C to Moodhi l l Drive, which the City of <br />Roseville. will vacate for construction of the John Rose Minnesota <br />Oval Speedsatinq Facility. <br />The reservation above described will further state as <br />follows: <br />The above described easement includes the rights of <br />Metropolitan waste Control Commission, its contractors, <br />agents and employees to do whatever is necessary for <br />enjoyment of Frights granted herein including the right <br />to enter the easement for purposes of construction, <br />